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  1. US "That Seventies Show" Alliance 70 twink guild (Retired)

    I'll hook it up with a bump. I'll come back eventually, probably.
  2. EU+US Level 70 Warrior PvP

    Rocket belt + BS is the best OP AOE known to 70s! BTW. miss using it and all that stuff. JK!! not rly tho, get gooder.
  3. +1 resist all gems

  4. EU+US 70 Armory, not Just BIS (make sure your toons are on here, if not please comment!)ôlly
  5. Confused on state of twinks

    Diddo^ but warrior not dk :P and really just everywhere, mainly GS.
  6. EU+US 70's BiS Enchant & Gems List

    hotfixed :(