Search results

  1. MooseMan

    What did you loot today?=)

    Now i need to level my enchanting :( also looted on a priest so pretty useless but good to know
  2. MooseMan

    What did you loot today?=)

    when my friend loots it instead of me :(
  3. MooseMan

    How to Solo Stratholme ?

    You can still loot it while in a group with higher level for legacy loot enabled.
  4. MooseMan

    What did you loot today?=)

    Today we've received the wrong epic item, was trying for chest but only got the sword :(
  5. MooseMan

    What did you loot today?=)

    so I was ready to farm for a long time, pray for second drop quick :)
  6. MooseMan

    What did you loot today?=)

    Just getting back into wow again, do you que solo expeditions, if so what are the que times like ?
  7. MooseMan

    Armory list for 60s

    Currently working on Holy Pala 60 any tips would be appreciated, focusing on gem gear atm
  8. MooseMan

    US <Five Guyz> Level 5 Twink Guild on Stormrage US

    Any EU equivalent for this ?
  9. MooseMan

    EU Introducing Fights in Vash'jir

    Now will vets / f2p be mixed ? Looks interesting tho
  10. MooseMan

    US Been away for 2 years. A couple questions

    so is it even worth the time/effort into getting the ilvl a fraction higher for such a small improvement ?
  11. MooseMan

    EU+US Flame Warden...doable at 20, now?

    I noobed out for a while, you can complete the achiv you just need to extinguish all the enemy factions flames, Gingeree armory of my char I just finished it on
  12. MooseMan

    EU+US Flame Warden...doable at 20, now?

    I've just turned in the alliance flames and do not see a follow-up quest anywhere so I guess we can't complete the achiv at 20 :s If i'm wrong and I missed something please let me know so myself and others can finish this [edit] Okay I missed something, just turned in on a 110 and no follow up quest