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  1. 39 Warrior Spec

    Alright...I'm dropping my sword spec, and either going dual wield or Axe..which would you guys suggest?
  2. 39 Warrior Spec

    Well, I need help on my warrior. What spec should I use for a 2H Sword warrior?
  3. So..I'm level 40.

    Keep in mind this "Twink" is over a year old, and wasn't completed yet. I used zero guides and I decided to make it when it was already level 39, so getting some of the gear that I desired at the time, was tricky because there was absolutely no XP lock, and there were no heirloom items...
  4. So..I'm level 40.

    Well... I used to play a level 39 Twink Druid about a year ago. I stopped playing and my account got tampered with, and someone leveled ALL of my twinks.. I had a 19 Paladin, a 19 Priest and a 39 Druid (All Alliance). I didn't think really anything of it at the time when I recovered my...