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  1. All 29s looking to get games

    Interesting. Has this been true for others as well? Rather not spend $25.00 just to get the shaft again.
  2. An Introduction and LF Realm/Guild Post

    I feel differently about your predictions regarding the death of twinking. This will not kill it, and it isn't dead yet. If they ever officially kill it, ppl just need to QQ a lot and explain the other (good) side of twinking. On that note, one of my fav things about the LLD scene is the...
  3. An Introduction and LF Realm/Guild Post

    Perfect, ty. Answered everything I was wondering. I knew the leg armors were level capped because my 19 had them and they turned red. Wasn't sure about the +8 to helm, and now I just need to grab those gloves from 1k needles and stick +15 agi on 'em. Also, question heirloom weapons...
  4. An Introduction and LF Realm/Guild Post

    Nice, thanks a ton for the replies. I'll be transferring over to Skywall here then shortly. Thanks also for the gear suggestions. I do have a question regarding enchants: I see 29's that still have things like +8x to helm, and +15 agi to gloves. I thought Blizz eliminated the use of...
  5. An Introduction and LF Realm/Guild Post

    Greetings all, been spending some time here but never registered until now. I play a 29 rogue twink named Voided (Horde side, Duskwood server). Or rather, I would play him. I finished gearing him right after 3.2 hit, and have never been able to join a game XD I imagine he'll be fun to...