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  1. sanraymond

    PTR Set Hearth to..........

    Would this Lunar Elder's Hearthstone be helpful in anyway?
  2. sanraymond

    EU+US Trueshot Lodge reachable for F2P?

    Thanks mate! Got killed a few times and then the path was cleared by other players. I was thinking the it is gonna be something like the Peak of Serenity in Kun Lai Summit. Oh well, at least hours of Cannon shoting got me to find Sanderhoof =.=
  3. sanraymond

    EU+US Trueshot Lodge reachable for F2P?

    Do you mean Hunters get to learn the flight path to Trueshot Lodge? Well. Feels like I'm missing something... can you ride up there? I was trying to shot myself up through Darkmoon Cannon from the bottom of the mountain...
  4. sanraymond

    EU+US Trueshot Lodge reachable for F2P?

    Hey all. Long time no see. Coming back from 1 year and a half and trying to explore Legion area as a F2P druid. So far I've found most places pretty easy to reach on Broken Isles, except for Trueshot Lodge. Is there anyway we can reach the peak alone? I have the DM cannon with me. Also I vaguely...
  5. sanraymond

    PTR Set Hearth to..........

    Yikes.... I was thinking about finally coming back from 1 year and half of hibernation (aboard thus couldn't play on NA server) and this is the first thread I saw. All my toons are parked at the Shrine right now. When is this gonna take place?
  6. sanraymond

    Move to Correct Part of Forum Please

    7427/21000 reverred. Would have loved to help and do it together but I'm Dalaran-US Alliance-druid... how do you level up the rep without the micro-event?
  7. sanraymond

    US Is there a cap on in-battleground stat boosts per class/spec?

    i'll chip in despite nothing close to this ilvl right now.. I think its suppose to be 1% stats buff per 10 average ilvl. So it's quite normal that you dont see a stats increase. There is a thread on the 19s subforum on ilvl cap and it seems to be more complex than a simple cap. Hopefully that...
  8. sanraymond

    US Gauging Interest for a Return to Aerie Peak (H/A)

    cool info! Seems like there are a bunch of blue added to SFK, WC, Stockade and Deadmines, most gear would be hellpful stats wise but the appearance are high res. Hopefully they will be released in 7.3
  9. sanraymond

    EU+US Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl ports to Pandaria

    You dont have to. I think the New Dal part is only mentioned so that end gamers can get into the event easily as all taverns are in neutral zones in stead of capital cities. From each of the event tavern, there is a Kirin Tor mage (gnome or belf based on your faction) flashing in and out, speak...
  10. sanraymond

    General Vanilla/SoM STV Fishing Tourny: A Guide for Low Level Twinks

    I think its a bug. I missed out this week. But 2 weeks ago the contest ended in 25 mins, only to restart twice afterwards. When it restarts the number of fish I got resumed and I was able to catch 40 in the end. Last week on US Dalaran I got lucky with my 20 warlock as he was able to finish in...
  11. sanraymond

    US AV

    Randomly popped for me yesterday and everyone is shouting they hate this bg. The game went super straight forward, Ally rushed Galv, IB, TP while horde pushed up. Almost no recaps except these 2 towers in the base and no stealth capping. There werent any epic battles since both sides are...
  12. sanraymond

    EU+US Mt Hyjal - how to get there? Other hard to reach places...

    Just curious how did you get the selfie camera. I was able to find one during the last Kirin Tor Tavern Event, but it could last only 24 hours after pickup (even when you don't logging in). I was able to use that window to get snaps on multiple toons around the world and there were 4 locations I...
  13. sanraymond

    EU+US Mt Hyjal - how to get there? Other hard to reach places...

    Hoohoohoo you made it to the top! I was first trying to do it from Sylvannar (ally village) side but wasnt able to find a path + cannon not usable on the spikes. So I went from the other side from the edge of zangarmarsh. As F2P my glider supply is limited and I used them to reach the floating...
  14. sanraymond

    US Gauging Interest for a Return to Aerie Peak (H/A)

    can you elaborate a bit more about the helm?
  15. sanraymond

    US Sometimes it just sad to face combos like this

    Yeah i admit i posted only because i was a bit frustrated that blizzard allowed these kind of team combo. One thing I've noticed to be more common is the prist trio, which seems utterly impossible to kill now
  16. sanraymond

    US Sometimes it just sad to face combos like this

    I mean horde had 9 out of 10 classes which is quite uncommon in itself. But dat ally team? I donno what to say.. at least they had a rogue?
  17. sanraymond

    US Sometimes it just sad to face combos like this

    Not necessarily accusing the Alliance as this can happen to both sides but it is close to ridiculous to have team line ups like this. Not the exact lineup to start with but very similar (I think 1 more druid and one less pally on the horde side)... And somehow Ally had 4 healers and Horde only...
  18. sanraymond

    EU+US Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl ports to Pandaria

    So based on the following description I found in WoWhead about the event, the event will be able to teleport your character to 2 locations in outland and 2 locations in pandaria, all normally not being available to us free 2 play. The "current" party location is rotates between all the...
  19. sanraymond

    EU+US Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl ports to Pandaria

    This seems to be exploitable for us f2p as I got teleported from Booty Bay to Gadgetzen and then Valley of Four Winds, which is really handy to get your toons to the shrines. Plus I found a selfie camera which lasts for one day. Gonna test out if it helps with any achievement