Search results

  1. 60 ele shams ( outland gear )

    lol thanks highborne appreciate it and sup toorop not much here just countering some retadins with a ele sham =)
  2. 60 ele shams ( outland gear )

    Not interested in a classic raiding guild sorry bro .
  3. 60 ele shams ( outland gear )

    Anyone bored enough to make me a 60 ele sham chardev ? The World of Warcraft Armory - Pan Thats my shaman so far you can just critique if you'd like
  4. @60's how to deal with rets...

    Yeah im a rogue and they kinda just rape me im rerolling ele sham =p
  5. @60's how to deal with rets...

    Basically title says it all how do you deal with ret paladins ?? Theres like 4 twink ret pallys on my bg in the same guild and they just destroy everything and its really not fun how do you deal with them ?
  6. US WTS Shadowfang

    Yeah i haven't talked to this jiucy person so idk what he/she it is talking about it's still for sale. also willing to trade for items
  7. US WTS Shadowfang

    yes still for sale lol10chars
  8. US WTS Shadowfang

    fixed current bid =)
  9. US WTS Shadowfang

    WTS Shadowfang TItle says it all wts shadowfang on us server skullcrusher its on horde side send offers via pm on here or contact me in game on Badbromance or in game mail works to Current Bid is 8k Happy bidding. Edit: current bid.
  10. US WTS Perfect eagle lense

    bump lol10chars
  11. US WTS Perfect eagle lense

    WTS Perfect eagle lense Selling perfect green lens of the eagle 10/16/16 Pm with offer accepting gold , items, tcg loot, or a combination It is on the server skullcrusher alliance side happy bidding. Edit: I am not Transfering.
  12. US WTS Green Lens Of The Eagle (perfect i believe)

    at least 10k considering i pretty much sold it for 18k but he couldnt transfer with all the money due to not having an 80.
  13. US WTS Green Lens Of The Eagle (perfect i believe)

    Bumpasaurus rex rawr rawr rawr
  14. US WTS Green Lens Of The Eagle (perfect i believe)

    bumpzky got alot of good offers keep em comin =)
  15. US WTS Green Lens Of The Eagle (perfect i believe)

    WTS Green Lens Of The Eagle (perfect i believe) Title says it all I am wanting to sell a Green Lens of the eagle 10/16/16 i believe that is perfect ? Please send offers in Pm's to my twinkinfo account i will be checking often and will reply pretty quickly. It is on the US server...
  16. WTS Wranglers

    Wanting to sell 4 pairs of perfect monkeys and 3 pairs of perfect eagles also have a 5 intellect I am on skullcrusher alliance Prices are negotiable send me offer in pm please.
  17. WTS Ribsplitters

    Wanting to sell 2x monkey 2x eagle 2x tiger 1x aglity They are on alliance skullcrusher Don't have a set price but pretty negotiable send me a pm with offer.
  18. US WTB - Lots of Items n_n

    Do you want it all ? for all of it i would be lookin for like 2500 wich is like 300 per bracer
  19. US WTB - Lots of Items n_n

    i have 3 pairs of 3/3 eagle 4 pairs of 3/3 monkey and a treebark jacket and 5 scrolled + 16 spellpower to glove enchants willing to give it all up i won't xfer im on skullcrusher alliance and there is a good 19 guild paragon on the server alliance side. send me a pm if you want em just pm...