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  1. Darkwood Fishing Pole

    I tried there for a while too. Out of curiosity, do any nodes have a higher chance of having this item drop? I've been just fishing in the river by tarren mill but there's a TON of sagefish pools out here.
  2. Darkwood Fishing Pole

    I'm not too sure how many of you guys know about this item... But since you are now reading this, you'll know Darkwood Fishing Pole Has anyone had any luck ever getting this rod? I've been fishing since level 50 in tarren mill where most people have had luck with but nothing...
  3. 19s Whats your biggest crit(current patch)

    This isn't even in AP set. This was pretty much when I first started bging on this warrior of mine
  4. Lucky Fishing Hat

    So I remember when I got it on my hunter... I didn't even know I had it until my friend who was on vent, also fishing with me, started screaming at me "I HATE YOU!" I was like "What I do!?" And it wasn't until I looked at my chat log that I noticed I had gotten the fish. The scary part...
  5. 19 hunter question

    Actually brosky. I have CB and Medicine pouch on my old hunter. But that account hasnt been active since for a while.
  6. How did YOU get your Shadowfang?

    No lie, back in pre bc. Or was it BC. When the whole OMG BLIZZ IS KILLING TWINKS scare was going on I bought both of mine for 60g a piece from the AH. And then when I remade my rogue, I had to buy em for 1k each.