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  1. Forum Game: Count

  2. Bracket levels changed?

    Maybe this is also setting things up for 81-85 possibly? because 71-80 wouldn't be any fun for people lvling up in BGs
  3. PTR 3.2.2 -> Twinking lvl 11-20?!

    Yeah the burst does lack with DW... :( but that also makes me wonder about putting 1 point into improved OP instead of anger management. Last time I played my warrior I don't remember having rage issues and 25% more OP crit would be nice for hunters and rogues
  4. Forum Game: Count

    25... is how old my sister is thats still living at home!
  5. PTR 3.2.2 -> Twinking lvl 11-20?!

    True, but I just wanted to throw that out there since nobody had mentioned it yet
  6. Currently listening to...

    Backbone - Gojira
  7. Forum Game: Alphabet Names

  8. PTR 3.2.2 -> Twinking lvl 11-20?!

    This would also mean Dual wield for warriors