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  1. Rogue twinking guide patch 4.01?

    Anyone know of a good one. Seems like most of the guides here are very outdated.
  2. Wash the name out of your minds and mouths please...

    hmmm. a "mediocre nobody" encompasses everyone on wow... what made you assume that this was not the case, even as Drayner? Or whatever your name was...
  3. Where can I go now to get my twink on?

    I'll try Partners in Crime. (although the name is kinda corny) ;)
  4. Where can I go now to get my twink on?

    Good guilds? LFM? I want to re-roll, preferably on alliance side.
  5. Where can I go now to get my twink on?

    @supadrood, what server? I would likely roll a new toon, but I don't know anyone from these other battlegroups. Twinking is a lot easier if you have a bit of help. Any good twink guilds on these battlegroups?
  6. Where can I go now to get my twink on?

    no, I'm US....
  7. Where can I go now to get my twink on?

    Hello folks, I have been twinking on the guldan server (rampage battlegroup) and cannot seem to get on a non-xp battleground at all (que times are impossible). I an not opposed to moving my character or re-rolling, but I don't want to bother with any of this, if I'm going to have the same...
  8. 19: rogue

    Not sure why everyone loves Fiery so much... +15 agil on both weapons boosts stats' all around. With Fiery, there is only a CHANCE that it will strike for that extra fire damage. Look's cool, but that's about it. Go agi stats.