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  1. 19 shaman

    I am trying to help a friend with a shaman twink. They are going to be running with two healers (druid/priest) and don't think he should be stacking spell power. They have all 10 points in enhancement as they won't have to worry about healing, so I guess the real question is: is stacking spell...
  2. Okay DKs, what to do? Hunters

    Why not open with concussive shot? Most of the time if you open with that they will deathgrip right away then you just drop frost trap and disengage and the fight is yours. The only DKs I ever have problems with in 59s are the ones that stack stam. When they have over 10k health it is pretty...
  3. 59s on Ruin

    I wish Blizz would implement something where we could transfer with out dropping rl cash for it. I want to move, but dropping more money into this game is rough...
  4. L70 Druid Twink

    I wouldn't mind starting to use my 70 again. I quite the game in April of '08 so she has what she had then which is three pieces merciless and two pieces vengeful. Is it still possible to upgrade that stuff to the higher level 70 arena gear? I went on with her in AV a couple a days ago and after...