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  1. Tfmatteson

    20s "Audit" Thread Mostly bgs, Need suggestions on weapons mainly, though feel free to pick apart everything else, I know for surv, the way is probably crow wing reaper (3 gem slot) 2h right? For ranged, I was thinking dragonslayer bow from sholozar...
  2. Tfmatteson

    Best places to farm ilvl 28 in nazmir/drustvar?

    Just FYI, there's a boat to kul tiras in Stormwind that hordies can use. There's a boat to Zuldazar in the troll village in Durotar that Alliance can use.
  3. Tfmatteson

    Which Garrison Buildings?

    I grabbed barracks since I did the talador questline in full to get rank 2 barracks for a bodyguard. I just really like the bodyguards. I got the rank 2 trading post (gorgrond questline i think), as well so I could work on the rep.
  4. Tfmatteson

    Best Spec for Lvl 20 BGs in Shadowlands

    Shadowpriest is good, MM hunter is good. Rogue kinda sucks tbh. Frost dk is annoying to fight, but they mostly are just CCing people with chains and deathgrips. Their dmg is "alright"
  5. Tfmatteson

    PTR - 50 ilvl legion gear & wod gear changed.

    What exactly did you "farm for ages"? You did some standard legion quests. You killed a few WoD rares...The only thing people are farming "for ages" is the socket gear that will replace this.
  6. Tfmatteson

    Tankiest Hunter Pet?

    I tried just now, I was able to tame him, however he instantly was desummoned and I cannot summon him. When I try to call pet to bring him back, he insta-despawns. I did check and exotic beasts requires level 39 tame.
  7. Tfmatteson

    Tankiest Hunter Pet?

    We can't tame exotic pets even as BM at 20.
  8. Tfmatteson

    Ghost Iron Dragonling nerf?

    Yup you need to put relic of the past 1 in the "optional" slot
  9. Tfmatteson

    Going vet

    Have you done professions? panda LW for leg enchant on socket legs + legion quest legs? then you can drop leathertworking. Be sure you leveled panda engy to 25 at minimum (glider tinker, be sure to grab extra tinker's kits), maybe get ghost iron dragonling and gem it? Get panda goggles (need 75...
  10. Tfmatteson

    Shadowlands info compilation

    I just tried it on a newly made kul tiran at level 10, was able to que just fine without a HoA or anything.
  11. Tfmatteson

    Shadow Lands Pre-Patch, a blessing? or a curse in sheep's clothing

    You also get all of that for free, what exactly do you want? They remade the trial experience with people in mind that they hope will sub eventually once they try out the content. They put their best foot forward with the two BFA dungeons and the bfa timewalking experience for brand new players...
  12. Tfmatteson

    Felfire Consort

    I'll probably farm felfire consort even if she got nerfed to ilvl 25, i want them rings to proc a socket. I like the stat breakdown on it, same for giblette's cloak
  13. Tfmatteson

    Shadowlands info compilation

    My socket set has them boots + bracers, it's legit. The gems scale down as soon as you get them in inventory, so i'v heard anyways.*
  14. Tfmatteson

    It is not right((

    The chest already has a level req, the fix that works is already known, it's just time until blizzard notices they missed a spot. It'll get nerfed eventually since they already set the precedent to nerf the chests, and one of the helms form the questline.
  15. Tfmatteson

    HoA patched

    Honestly, i'm kinda glad the HoA got nerfed. It'd be cool with all them stats, but man i was dreading running normal islands to level it up forever.
  16. Tfmatteson

    dungeon scaling

    Hunter is nice. Surv/BM/Marks all feel solid, I use surv for dungeon soloing since it has "some" aoe with wildifre bomb + serpent sting on mobs. At my gear level, serpent sting alone can nearly kill an elite without procs so it's really nice. Feign death is great as well for mob skips etc. I do...
  17. Tfmatteson

    THE Definitive Guide on Shadowlands 19's!

    From what I saw, shoulder enchant requires inscription so you lose it if you drop it, it'll just be inactive. I didn't try dropping it yet since i dont wanna relevel, but FYI. Can confirm, leg enchant stays working from dropping pandaria lw though.
  18. Tfmatteson

    Shadowlands Pre-Patch Check List

    I haven't used chromie time at all farming WoD rares, at level 20, flying myself around on my 50
  19. Tfmatteson

    Shadowlands Pre-Patch Check List

    No mission needed, they are always up. Just sometimes long respawn timers.
  20. Tfmatteson

    Shadowlands info compilation

    Doubt it, these are level 30+ rares, they weren't meant to be killed while leveling even during WoD, it was the endgame level 100 area stuff, I definitely could see them slap the max level of wod currently on it. It's the same concept as doom lord kazzak in outlands and such. His drops require...