Search results

  1. BC Capped Twink, can't get bg queue

    I've got a 70 toon with exp turned off, but I do have the wotlk expansion. I'll test it out and see what results I get.
  2. 60 Capped Questions

    Thanks Falkor!
  3. 60 Capped Questions

    I'm considering twinking a huntard at 60, just a couple of questions before I shell out the bucks for a new account. What are average queue times on servers without a high concentration of 60 twinks? I'm on the west coast and although Stormstrike looks good for it's amount of twinks...
  4. Is Ruin still active?

    Is Ruin still active or as dead as every where else? I was thinking of migrating to Mannoroth, but I don't really want to put work into a new main again without any real reason. If it's active, how active? Edit: Found a post on the second page with my answers, my apologies :D