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  1. Follow up: to me being kicked out

    Honestly I don't play atm.. I thought I might having internet again.. but now if it takes more than 10 minutes to start having fun.. I don't even bother. I Just... have no time. Feels real man. :/ On the other hand thanks for all the support...I Am rather curious what I am going to do...
  2. Follow up: to me being kicked out

    Well, some of you are aware that I have been kicked out. And chances are if you clicked this link you actually care some what... I wanted to let you all know, that as of recent I see my little brother frequently... (The one I stood up for in order to be kicked out) I have a smart phone (virgin...
  3. Any older players out there?

    Not to toot my own horn, but if you wait till next month, I should have decent internet... And will be able to help you. (Like I said, not 2.6k rated or anything like that.... just a decent rogue)
  4. Winter Veil Entries

    It is a winter veil contest. What is your current career?
  5. Anyone else use android?

    Just curious what anyone who has an android is using in terms of phone/carrier/rom/theme apps. I personally am using a moto triumph, virgin mobile, black lightning 3.5 , with 7 launcher. will upload screenshot later.
  6. So things are rather sweet...

    about the internet, the food stamps will not amount to more than 50 a month.,.. and internet 20... basically it makes no difference. If I were selling hundreds of dollars in foodstamps for my pot money that'd be different... (I don't smoke) I anticipated this response. pretty typical of...
  7. So things are rather sweet...

    Some of you may know I was kicked out my house a while ago... well now I am in an apartment by myself, still have my job... I don't work enough this week , but I am seeing about finding a closer job I don't spend a fortune in gas going to because even if I worked the apparent legal limit for a...
  8. Best day off ever.

    Ok I found an apartment just waiting for DHS to get back to me. My grandmother bought me a virgin mobile android. And ppl are helping me in other ways as well things really aren't so bad.... Next up getting in>settling> getting charternet.
  9. Gaming laptop

    You're gay....thought you legitimately needed halp.
  10. Best day off ever.

    Thanks tonks... I got my first About a week or two ago ... Don't know when I'll get my second one... Priorities don't seem to be arranged In a way which would allow me to go through that venture. :p
  11. Best day off ever.

    Also not sure why I keep posting little things like that here... Just makes me feel good. :3
  12. Best day off ever.

    Now I am starting a shift at u primary job only here for four hours today though.
  13. Best day off ever.

    Thanks guys I am at my "second job" ATM. Weekly summer home cleaning "going potty" I appreciate the words of encouragement. Status update: working on getting food stamps, and social security switched to my name. Going to get an income based apartment in a month or so hopefully and ge out of my...
  14. Best day off ever.

    Well I am now with out the web for a while... :/
  15. Best day off ever.

    So yesterday was my first day off in a couple weeks. And I spent it packing up all of my belongings. My mother has removed me from her home because i am " the biggest asshole in the world." because I called the cops on my younger sister for pulling a knife on my little brother... I currently am...
  16. I liek to level.

    Jailbotqt @ Ursin - Game - World of Warcraft
  17. IRL Photos. (Part 3)

    irrelevent to the picture of you.. but EVERY time I see your profile pic here... I want to save pika-chu.
  18. Airsoft- Does anyone play?

    this was my very first gun, excluding 2 10 dollar pistols from wal*Mart.. 9or in your case the store on the corner which sells many knock off items. )
  19. Airsoft- Does anyone play?

    I've been working so much. But I did buy a CYMA CM05 ble blh bleh blah AK - 47 full metal. with blowback. :D
  20. My current project.

    I'll race change eventually... Gotta go ally for Ellos band yet don't I ?