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  1. Blizzard cares in the end

    if blizz rly cared they'd take 19's back to patch 2.2
  2. Assassination rogues?

    I've been playing my rogue twink for a long time and I think we were best b4 the very 1st dodge nerf :P When have we not had high dps outside of stealth? Some ppl honestly havent been twinking tht long it seems, rogues didnt switch to stealthy mcsubtelty until WoTLK screwed around w/ twinking...
  3. How high can you be

    dude trust me, twinking is not ghanja friendly, ppl would get mad when i would go on vent rly stoned and wouldnt shutup or screw around w/ the FC and not actually engage him lol. I dk man, ppl playing the "game of WoW" not twinking or pvping r usually stowner friendly (c how i spelled it :P ?)
  4. 15 agi or 5 wep dmg

    Combat spec vs holy pally mebbeh? I dk, I'm so confused w/ all the new stuff I'm thinking redownloading the WoW client was a bad idea =/ Do i rly have to play daggers to be cool? imo thye just nerfed the shit outta my rogue in all the facilities I used to love it for. Blizz can gobble my...
  5. Profession question

    haste aint bad, u can drop a lotta heal w/ tht on u in a short amt. of time in a tight spot, it can effectively be a big heal, just a mana draining one too lol
  6. Level 19 Census

    besides the fact that that would consist of every character passing through at 19s at this moment too
  7. 15 agi or 5 wep dmg

    woops my mistake, 10% more agility hmm, im too busy atm to do the math, but on Ass spec it still stands that having 5 wep dmg is better, and ambush will ALWAYS be better w/ 5wep dmg period regardless of %agi increase on 15agi. Either way u should ALWAYS have a dagger w/ 15 agi and 5wep dmg as a...
  8. Level 19 Census

    That probably isn't twink specific data. Its most likely ALL 19s.
  9. 15 agi or 5 wep dmg

    Ok, you guys are all special. Without the 15% agi increase* 15 agi = 30 ap = 2 dps add that to an AB at like 15.7 dps (before its stat boosts the dps) u get 17.7 dps. 5 wep damage on ab = ((20+5)+(39+5))/2/1.9=18.1 (tht math is off of when AB used to be 15.5 dps, it might be 18.3 dps)...
  10. Assassination rogues?

    if ur rogue gets 2 shotted outta stealth thats... well failure as a twink, even in full AP gear I never got 2 shotted by another 19. I'm really mad I can't keep my SFs if I wanna go either sub or ass (its cool to abbreviate assassination as ass right? r we mature enough for that? i know im not...
  11. Assassination rogues?

    I took combat cuz, well i didnt know we even got the talent summaries ( i didnt even know we had access to poisons or anything that happened in the last 5months). I havent bg tested, im stuck on a laptop cuz im still undecided if i fully wanna come back and really install this POS laggy...
  12. Hey sexy people, what have I missed?

    lol I think i remember that haha
  13. other item changes

    wait... if im understanding this right, BoA will be BiS come cata over like SFK drops? i.e. SF<mass of mcgowan and AB<wtvr the dagger is?
  14. Hey sexy people, what have I missed?

    Hey bro! I'm surprised there is still a lot of familiar faces here on TI tbh lol. Its good to know that while I took a break to invest myself into FPS people have still kept twinking alive.
  15. Assassination rogues?

    Well.... everyone's just seemed to completely forget crilly just cuz I've been on a break for 5 months roughly.... Anyone wanna make a comparison as to something useful, not just ur potential zomg mutilate numbers? From what I've read 19 rogues have become like 39 dagger rogues used to be, can...
  16. Hey sexy people, what have I missed?

    but arent u guys talking about assassination? Or is combat spec OP too, tbh even though I do have an AB i rly am fond of my SF's one of them I actually put all the time and effort into farming (which was stupid, but orgasmic when it dropped). The SF nerf did piss me off VERY MUCH, but thts...
  17. Assassination rogues?

    Hows that holding up in PvP? Honestly I didn't know we got the 3 little things on the summary page when we specced so I just went combat (hey its got really nice stats) lol. I don't know how I'd feel using my AB again, I don't have 2 and I already have 2 SF's. These changes are too drastic imo...
  18. Hey sexy people, what have I missed?

    So, I'm practically done applying to colleges, Halo Reach is basically Halo 3 gameplay and none of my friends are playing it, Black Ops I got pre-ordered, but I can't take CoD seriously and I'm pretty damn curious as to whats been going on in the Twink World. So hit me with anything on 19's...
  19. Dagger rogue

    umm, daggers are the best option for chasing enemies down at all times. I swap one of my SF's for it whenever need be and its not frustrating too, its also great against clothies and a quick restealth to ambush in the fray can rly mess up a healer
  20. How To Item Switch With Identical Gear

    tht only works if the weapons ur equipping have different enchants. if your using the same weapon AND same enchant you needa pop out outfitter or the blizz UI version of it and make a set w/ it that has all other gear slots crossed out.