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  1. wuntwo


    holy guys all take "addicted to forums" to a whole new level.
  2. wuntwo

    US This is what happens when the Gucci Crew ques

    Actually gucci is the problem....hes the only other person i know over the age of 20...huge problem. I just can't deal with pre-teens man I'm sorry.
  3. wuntwo

    US This is what happens when the Gucci Crew ques

    that being said if any of you want a free account your welcome to it, I have 2 wow tokens so you wouldn't need game time for a couple months.
  4. wuntwo

    US This is what happens when the Gucci Crew ques

    I honestly can't believe any of you are still playing that game. Aside from ques being dog shit, once you realize the twink community is the same 10 overweight teenagers playing their guys are sad..all of you
  5. wuntwo

    US This is what happens when the Gucci Crew ques

    Looks like GG twinks brought out some much needed activity from the Alliance side since its reformation. Keep it up alliance don't stop queuing!!
  6. wuntwo

    US Teach me Senpai

    i know them pictures are creepy as hell. Your the type of obsessive socially awkward dude that i don't like talking to on the internet for my own safety. I don't want to be stalked so ima take my xp off account down. Your a weird kid.
  7. wuntwo

    US Teach me Senpai

    DUDE RIGHTTT. I didn't think a simple name change would really give the alliance 12 year olds such a boner. The discrepancy between how little gucci tries vs how much attention you guys give him...haha.....Oj you try way too hard man. Find another hobby wow isn't everything.
  8. wuntwo

    US Teach me Senpai

    Oj the funny thing is when you got kicked from TFC Twinks, Thot said even though you were complete doodoo sauce he felt too bad to kick you so he had me do it. Don't hate on Thot he was the only one that felt bad for you.
  9. wuntwo

    US Less talk, more action.

    Yea my character is named wuntwo, 20 ally druid
  10. wuntwo

    US <Stuck at Graveyard> Bleeding Hollow(A) Recruiting

    gucci yaboi twomore is quing a 3bm premade lets gooooo its go time
  11. wuntwo

    US This is what ques look like when the Gucci Crew ques

    Lol you have 4 FCs every game because repicking is your only chance at beating the guccilords. sit down fags. (conq i truly forgot to put the L in his name and my backspace button is broken)
  12. wuntwo

    US <Stuck at Graveyard> Bleeding Hollow(A) Recruiting

    To keep it simple hearing "taken a class that is already broken (which we all know is) and just making it completely unfair for everyone" when you MAIN a twomore seriously hit up blossom and bubbles (you know those two alliance bms that que together) and tell them you found their...
  13. wuntwo

    US This is what ques look like when the Gucci Crew ques

    Lol first its "you guys can't que bm premedes" now its "gg twinks can't fave their own flag carrier for capture the flag". A guy named flags would have issues like that.......salllttttyyyyyyyyy
  14. wuntwo

    US <Stuck at Graveyard> Bleeding Hollow(A) Recruiting

    All good, their probably doing just fine without you.......oh wait.
  15. wuntwo

    US <Stuck at Graveyard> Bleeding Hollow(A) Recruiting

    When twomorebeers needs two more beers. F2ps are too much for you guys to handle XD...........#GUCCIRANK1
  16. wuntwo

    US This is what ques look like when the Gucci Crew ques

    GG Twinks is more than welcoming. Not our fault a 99% win ratio keeps the alliance players from wanting to que. I guess people don't like getting wrekt every bg....wait do people really not enjoy that?? #GG TWINKS R1 #GUCCIFLEX
  17. wuntwo

    US TeT accepting premades

    nope guys aren't worth it tbh. #wrekt #GGTWINKSR1
  18. wuntwo

    US 29's Battle Tag List

    All the worst players in one place.....SIGHHHHHH Maybe you guys all come together and try to beat GG TWINKS once in a while #GGTWINKSR1 #GUCCILIFE #^^^bracketfullofbooobooooothoooooo^^^^^^^^
  19. wuntwo

    US This is what ques look like when the Gucci Crew ques

    Actually because of us the ques times are at least 43 hours. Get your info straight.
  20. wuntwo

    US GG Tinks are coming back in a BIG way!

    were trying to get at least 47, we think thats a good number to shoot for.