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  1. Painbow

    6 Month Ban for Twinking!

    Dude, if you need help getting streaming on twitch going, let me know. It's easy and all it does is take some bandwidth while you're playing. You essentially just use OBS ( and do it. Once you set it up it's literally one button and you're streaming. Make sure in Twitch...
  2. Painbow

    6 Month Ban for Twinking!

    Nope. The guy just sort of took it. In the video you can hear that he was positive they'd reverse it since he knew he did nothing wrong, but they never did. They just took his account away from him. The guy sounds like a genuinely nice guy who was railroaded by Blizzard. The other person who I...
  3. Painbow

    6 Month Ban for Twinking!

    This guy got banned for buying a mount. They said he was exploiting (duping). This is one of the rare cases I actually believe an innocent person has been banned. Yours might be case #3. This is why I'm always streaming.
  4. Painbow

    6 Month Ban for Twinking!

    What's with these replies? Who cares if you're a "douche" or whatever people are calling you. Blizzard IS bullying people and the GMs are out of control right now. I've been fighting them about their bullcrap suspensions since at least 2012, but I won't go into my story here. Every time I see...