Search results

  1. Boozehounder

    Favorite Game/Movie Soundtracks

    I mod the Conan The Barbarian sountrack into most games. Elder Scrolls and Mount and Blade are particularly satisfying when in battle those drums kick in.
  2. Boozehounder

    90's Kid Nostalgia

    What do you mean by 90's kid? I was about...12 in 1990. Does that make me an 80's kid or 90's kid or both? I'd say both. Anyway: Game: Goldeneye (home) , Cruisin' USA (arcade) Food: Lunchables and/or purple ketchup and/or koala yummies Drink: Jolt (80s) , Surge (90s) Show: Eek! was pretty...
  3. Boozehounder

    The Divison

    Add me on PS4. Rsunset327 or we can 360 something. CruelNUnusual1 or profile name on steam. I like freaking games man. Im not really a dirty console casual, I just like that type of game better on my living room TV.
  4. Boozehounder

    US hi

    What's Shakin, Bacon.