Search results

  1. US The 19's Directory (Armory, Guilds, Social Media)

    Cokexd-Bleeding Hollow 19 Twink Arc mage
  2. 19s poppin on us?

    19s poppin on us?
  3. EU+US Which is better?

    Arms Warrior, forgot to put it haha, sorry.
  4. EU+US Which is better?

    Burnished Pauldrons of Might: 3 crit 3 Haste (19) Polished Spaulders of Valor: 6crit (19) The entire might vs valor set is X amount of crit on valor. and 1/2X + 1/2X haste. Half your crit worth to go to haste? or is getting the full amount of crit and getting no haste worth it.
  5. EU+US Whats the best WSG you've ever done?
  6. US Project: GG Nineteen

    Horde or Alliance? Alliance or Horde doesnt matter, prefer alliance but I'll take a horde sponser too! What class and spec would you like to receive funding on? Brewmaster monk or destruction lock would be my two next choices, I have a BiS warrior, feral, and disc atm. What do you need...
  7. Why is feral banned?

    Why is feral banned?
  8. EU Rules of XPOff WSG games?

    why are ferals banned?