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  1. US Topping the charts above everyone else like always.

    Trash players don't have the luxury of gy camping twink premades. If your 5 man premade ends up getting camped, get gud. The thing is, he had 70k damage at 300 resources and because this wasn't a stomp it allowed for almond to do damage for longer. Without almond's damage that game is most...
  2. EU+US 29's World Record BG Damage

    It was a premade vs a premade and we only started farming at the end to hit the 200k mark, Almond had nearly 70k damage at 300 resources while there was a huge battle at LM. As you can see ally had nearly 1000 resources and bases on us.
  3. EU+US 29's World Record BG Damage

    207k Damage...
  4. EU+US Scummy things twinks do?

    This is Illyrian and Skinpuppet which is also Pinktroll, Horneecow, Lendina, Fkthisrogue, Moderatrebel and Lillyfist. Jwl you have our respect as easily the best druid in the bracket in WoD along with Idiote. Me and Illyrian always enjoyed going up against you.
  5. First thoughts on level 29 bracket

    Moral of the story is don't pull a Kevin Durant.
  6. First thoughts on level 29 bracket

    That's a very good point to make.
  7. First thoughts on level 29 bracket

    This forum perfectly illustrates what has happened to this bracket since BFA got released. The problem isn't horde premades, it's the ally twinks joining the horde side because they can't compete. I play both horde and alliance on 29's and although the win % on the ally side is lower, it makes...
  8. US current active best of list 20-29

    hunter: Horneecow/Nocontest rogue: Paigexd/Fkthisrogue druid: Pinktroll/Lenny paladin: Illyrian/Faith warrior: Salesia/Illyrian shaman: Ki priest: Skinpuppet/Illyriia mage: Illyriana monk:Recluse/Skinpuppet

    We should be welcoming all good EU players to come to our servers. This bracket needs more competition, there really aren't many good twinks left since legion.
  10. BIS gear index for 29's World PvP

    Thank you Blueballuh, I really appreciate your input.
  11. BIS gear index for 29's World PvP

    Yes I am including scaled gear, I want to find out what is the most absolute BIS.
  12. BIS gear index for 29's World PvP

    Lets make a BIS gear index for 29's for world pvp. Since gear stats have changed quite a bit it would be a good idea if we made a list of the best in slot gear for each class outside of arenas and bg's. I'm going to start doing my research and update this thread as I acquire new information...
  13. US Gucciglad takes US to the top as the highest rated twink in the world! 2308 rating.

    You're a pretty chill dude, I'm not hating. But to be the best you have to beat the best. And you haven't won against Skinpuppet yet. It's also important to emphasize what you said, they play multiple comps, that being over 20 different comps. They beat you on your brew with a resto shaman as...
  14. US Gucciglad takes US to the top as the highest rated twink in the world! 2308 rating.

    But has yet to beat Illyrian and Skinpuppet. You're lucky they didn't snipe you like last time.