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  2. US NEED HELP! LF old school twinks

    prettypwnie is probably in prison if i had to guess i have a few members of dominate on my real id list and no one has been on in years, sheep died in a car accident several years ago, too. dominate made a guild on cho'gall/rampage in 2009, and then we transferred/made some characters on...
  3. EU Shoulder Enchant

    why does that work again? that was fixed back in TBC. originally it was fixed in the mailbox, then it was patched for the auction house method, and then it was patched for the guild bank.
  4. EU+US Best geared twinks list

    christ, i haven't played my twinks in a decade and only added some heirlooms because i had them gear used to be simple :( so since both of these characters were...
  5. EU+US Show me your GF'd Gear (pt 2)

    does this count man i miss 19s and when dumbasses in TBC accidentally logged out with their exploited helm/shoulder enchants and had them removed was priceless.
  6. Gifting Gear and Gold

    damn drayner i couldve used some gold Lol
  7. Healing classes

    no, just the basic enchant., and it stacks with talents. its pretty fun on a paladin or druid, a paladin with the passive ms% talent runs at 135% speed, and a druid runs at 165% in cat form.
  8. Healing classes

    disc priest damage and healing is ridiculous Pepitoz @ Gilneas - Community - World of Warcraft i really enjoy haste on mine, you can get up to 40% if you go all out
  9. wts old pre cata tshirts

    Posts: 327 Joined: May 3 2014 Gold: 1,015.50 i have a thug shirt and brawlers harness on bloodhoof horde for sale & recruits shirt on crushridge alliance & 2x primitive mantle, 2x trapper shirt on chogall horde & 2x brawlers harness on nordrasill horde & x2 footpads...
  10. iso: 2 shadowfangs on arthas

    need 1 on bloodhoof too
  11. iso: 2 shadowfangs on arthas

    could maybe do paypal too
  12. iso: 2 shadowfangs on arthas

    yooooo cutest#1441
  13. trading bt/swp runs?

    I could use some bt/swp runs on a character, alliance side. I have no gold but I can exchange the favor.. on horde or alliance. cutest#1441
  14. 10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo

    good? i think you mean better
  15. 10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo

    its not just that, just about every battlegroup in tbc could field a 10v10 premade any day of the week, and that did happen everyday of the week
  16. 10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo

    the bracket has never been as active as it was in tbc/wotlk, anyone that thinks otherwise is delusional
  17. Can't join as a group unless all the members of your party have the same XP gain sett

    Re: Can't join as a group unless all the members of your party have the same XP gain adds up.
  18. Can't join as a group unless all the members of your party have the same XP gain sett

    i just enjoy bitching goddamn this bug is annoying, i hate wasting 10g everytime i want to switch between queuing for arena and bgs :mad::mad::mad:
  19. Best of Gulch jumpers

    da da best