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  1. Bow Of Searing Arrows Worth it?

    Ok, thanks guys. I'll look into the other options. I hadn't considered the effects of ammo. Thanks.
  2. Bow Of Searing Arrows Worth it?

    So, waaaay back in vanilla I was running Z...F? ... The first troll instance that starts with a Z. I was on my druid and POOF, it's an epic world drop! Much to my surprise I won the roll. So, into my bank! I didn't know about twinking then and decided to save it for my hunter who, thankfully...
  3. Who's the best Druid and Hunter in 19 cyclone.?

    You lemme know when that duel finishes K? I was on my sister's druid once facing another 19 druid. Round and round the merry go round the bear chases the bear. Both heal up and cast some spells POP back to bear form! Obviously there are more attempted tactical attempts then that, but either...
  4. If you could have any item...

    Actually.. AQ Battle tank. It's still insta cast right? Probably not... Would be pretty sick at 19 though. If not that then I'd just want the turtle mount. Screw speed buffs. GO TURTLE GO!
  5. archimonde: Buying Redbeard Crest

    Not willing to do a transfer or anything, so just on archimonde. Horde can always use cross faction ah if they have one to sell. Normally I see one on the ah a few times a week, but ever since I sold mine that'd been sitting in the bank for months I haven't seen any there. I'm willing to...