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  1. Twink Dictionary

    Thank you guys, that summed it up. They are kinda like guild ranks for this site. Thanks again for the always quick replies! And I never heard of WTF meaning "way to fight" ever! Only "what the fu__" so lol there.
  2. Twink Dictionary

    Can soneone tell me what is a Pug, Twink, semi-Twink and senior Twink? :confused:
  3. Currently listening to...

    No body's fault but mine - Led Zepplin _______________________________
  4. These asian farmers are getting desperate...

    Really? It is only obvious that the Blizz has some sort of contract/understanding with the gold and gear sellers. And I know of 2 people that have bought gold over a year ago and never got in any trouble. Thus the reason Bliz allows it to spam trade so bad! If it is illegal to buy gold then it...
  5. Level 19 Paladin Guide

    What about weapons? I am in the process of making a lvl 19 pally, he is lvl 14 rt now. I read the above recomendations for armour but there is no mention of weapon choices? Can you update the list and show what are the best weapons choices? ~~~Ty Spikezz :cool: