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  1. Returning player LF Guild/People to play with

    Hey all, Haven't played 19s in a long while now. Looking to get back in. Played very heavily pretty much up until the Cata era. Used to be part of a 10 man premade group back in the glory days of cyclone battlegroup. LF some players to add to play with (both horde and alliance side)...
  2. Hey I saw your post about mugthol. I would be interested in coming over. would love to get back...

    Hey I saw your post about mugthol. I would be interested in coming over. would love to get back into some wsg (been on a WoW break). I have a level 90 belf on mugthtol. I don't think she has much of any money but I can be around for runs and also get some gold for myself. I currently play HotS...