Search results

  1. Am i BiS now? :C

    Smoke Weed Every Day !!! -Mashd
  2. Lf 29 bis warrior list

    My fury warry, Crit stacked after 200strength.Destroysalot @ Madoran - Community - World of Warcraft I have a blast playing it. the burst is pretty fun ^.^
  3. 20-29s Armory List

    29 Disc, Stamina focused Goofi @ Madoran - Community - World of Warcraft
  4. 20-29s Armory List

    29 Fury Warrior, crit stacked. Destroysalot @ Madoran - Community - World of Warcraft
  5. 20-29s Armory List

    Re: 29s Armory List Mashd @ Madoran - Community - World of Warcraft 28 Ret Pally. ~ See yall in the Gulch!
  6. Top Flag Captures & Returns List

    535 captures, 240 returns. Meh. Statistics - Community - World of Warcraft
  7. Which class do have the most fun with?

    I have a blast on my Hpally, love never dying unless you have 5 guys on you.
  8. B.Y.O.G - Thursday nights - Real Ids & SS

    Mashd @ Madoran - Community - World of Warcraft 24 Holy pally always looking for more 24's yo friend and group with. indeligent#1962 /
  9. Most op in 5.4?

    Ele Shammy for sure. I just got hit with a 1700 lightning Bolt....
  10. 20-29 Screenshot thread!

    Re: 20-24 Screenshot thread!
  11. Anyone up for some bg's now?

    What the vent info xD
  12. Anyone up for some bg's now?

    Looking for more alli side Twanks to group with. Indeligent#1962. First letter is an i.
  13. LTT Gnomer Run Thru(s)

    I will trade you alli side Gnomer runs, I added you.