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  1. Sudowoodo

    US Why do you hate: Pizza

    Why is 2 faced not an available option? Most of you are the definition of sheeple.
  2. Sudowoodo

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    Melee are infinitely better than casters in this bracket, thats for damn sure. games felt kinda boring from a healer pov due to that. I felt like I was healing TSG mirrors all night.
  3. Sudowoodo

    Random Premade v JCM WG Bo5 - Druid 39 FC PoV

    Yeah I think that was the most i've ever been locked out in my lifetime
  4. Sudowoodo

    I didn't want to make this thread, but it has come to this...
  5. Sudowoodo

    An Update After Last Nights Qs

    Honestly no disrespect meant but I think this mentality is why the past 39 revivals have failed. I've taken part in like two now I think? Every time it ends the same way. Person #2847 tries to revive them, they pick a day & a time slot everyone must q. People end up have real life stuff to do...
  6. Sudowoodo

    US Fearthebuns' Father Fundraiser

    jcm sends its regards
  7. Sudowoodo

    jcm Twink Cup Video

  8. Sudowoodo

    US TC 2015; The Story

    Like I've told you before after this tournament & meeting you through real-id's over the past few months & then playing against you you've got to be one of the most humble people i've met on this game. Mad respect for your team, hardest team we faced in the tournament by far.
  9. Sudowoodo

    Darkchewie's Twink Cup Pregame Speeches

    Neato. Here's a sneak peak inside jcm's skype call after being delayed 5 hours past when our games were supposed to begin.
  10. Sudowoodo

    US TC Reflections

  11. Sudowoodo

    US TC Reflections

    I was trying to keep this professional but since we're diving into firing shots @ people on my team, a guy who literally stayed up until 11am to make sure we could finish our games I suppose i'll respond to it. Roula played this cup infinitely better than you. In fact, almost every FC in this...
  12. Sudowoodo

    US TC Reflections

    You're acting very childish & it's very apparent that once again you're here to try to sport your ego. Most of us had work today & with time-zone differences, vacations, ect. It wasn't a viable option for our team to simple push the finals back to a later date. We took days off for this...
  13. Sudowoodo

    US TC Reflections

    I knew the chat would come up sooner or later. The difference was we made you wait around for maybe 10 minutes before we decided to just yolo q & play out whatever happened. It was our mistake, ect. It was also like 10pm est when that happened in our first series. I can assure you a 10 minute...
  14. Sudowoodo

    US TC Reflections

    All I have to say is that for you having 6-7 months to prepare for this tournament & for it have been run with such a lack of professionalism was pretty disappointing. If you came to me today & told me you began organizing this two weeks ago I wouldn't even question it. Gamersleague was an...
  15. Sudowoodo

    Thank You TC Organizers - Love BTB

    This thread turned into a desperate witch hunt in my opinion
  16. Sudowoodo

    Twink Cup Jams 2015
  17. Sudowoodo

    10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo
  18. Sudowoodo

    Idea of a Christmas 19 Tournament, Opinions about 19 Seasons?

    Of all the times you could run a tournament the holiday season would have to be the worst. Good luck getting 20+ people on at the same time around christmas time.
  19. Sudowoodo

    US Will you stay active after the TC?

    I think you're going to have a tough time scheduling & keeping games active in a premade sense after the TC with school starting up for a lot of people. That's the situation i'll be in. Between school, work, & general day-to-day life it's not really ideal or practical to get 20+ people on all at...