Search results

  1. US Project: GG Nineteen

    I sent you a request Ogspazz#1552 and bh alliance ill take that offer aslong as im off my dead realm:) thanks btw
  2. US Project: GG Nineteen

    Horde or Alliance? Horde What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?Resto shaman and i've always wanted an horde 19 twink to find a guild so i can participate in twink activities. What do you need? (Gear / Guild) I need gear and a guild if possible. Have you played in a...
  3. US New TC Team Recruiting

    Horde or Alliance??
  4. US Project: GG Nineteen

    [*=1]Horde or Alliance? Alliance or horde which ever u can support [*=1]what class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?Balance druid alli or destro lock horde [*=1]What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) on my boomkin im trying gear up now so idk maybe gear and chants...