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  1. 29 ret pally

    I am in the process of making a 29 Pally twink and was just wondering why you chose leather over plate armor pieces. Was it due to the increased Stam?
  2. 29 Hunter/29 Ret Pally

    Every "guide" or forum I have read has suggested Corpsemaker as a 2-hnded weapon. Never even knew there was a discussion in the past about this.
  3. 29 Hunter/29 Ret Pally

    Thanks all for the advice. I ask because I have never played a twink in the 29 bracket. I have done so in the 19 bracket, but that was a while ago. I chose hunter not because it is easy mode, but because I happen to enjoy playing hunter. I am also making a 29 Pally to twink on my friend's...
  4. Welcome 29s

    Kpasta here. Have had a lvl 19 twink for awhile that was gaining dust on the shelf until a RL friend decided he wanted to make a twink pally on my server. So now I am moving him up from the 19 bracket to the 29 bracket.
  5. 29 Hunter/29 Ret Pally

    I need some help with updated gear(including BoAs) for a 29 Hunter. Also a RL friend is going to make a 29 Ret Pall, but will not have the BoAs as his main is on a different server. Money is not a particular issue, but need advice on gear and specs. Thanks a million.