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  1. Exp lock

    So where did they get the HK from, locked battlegrounds? Sorry if I seem dense
  2. Rate my twink (in process)

    Hi guys, Started making a twink Twinklers @ Terenas - Community - World of Warcraft The gear is pretty much done, minus rings and a trinket Professions still to go, and also level 19 :) I think I have everything else covered except neck enchant and rings when I get them Maybe...
  3. Exp lock

    So, with when you lock your exp you only do a battleground with other people who are locked How are twinks remaining twinks with 10k HK? I thought you got exp when you win and at some points during the game, so you might level up? Does anyone have any tips on how to stay at level 19...
  4. [Mists Of Pandaria] Erotk's Level 19 Guide Hunter-Survival

    Very helpful guide, even with a few changes now in WoD, gear recommended is still some of the best however 'Gloves of the Fang' seem like a better alternative
  5. Currently listening to... - Part 3!

    Linkin Park + Jay Z album
  6. Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 3 posts!

    Re: Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 10 posts! How do people get into to random battlegrounds without locked exp and not level up?
  7. Hi all

    Hello Everyone, Joined this Forum as I have made a twink Hunter. Currently level 16, nearly completed his gear (just rings to go) working on his professions at the moment, all good fun