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  1. Sattinka

    Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 3 posts!

    When you add the link, you will see the web address 2 times. The first is the actual link, the second is what it will show up as. So you can change the 2nd one to just your character name, etc... just make sure you dont delete brackets that are before & after, those need to stay. Hope this helped.
  2. Sattinka

    Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 3 posts!

    What server would be best to make a 29? I prefer Horde but am flexible if balance is needed etc. I made my 19 on Arthas from what I saw on 19 guild info. ... but thought I might get the most current answer by asking here
  3. Sattinka

    Hi everyone!

    Just wanted to introduce myself to what seems like an awesome community. I had a 39 Paladin that I played years ago and was devastated when we were no longer able to get queues to pop. I would search from time to time for any activity etc with no luck and eventually stopped looking... until a...