Search results

  1. Toklo

    EU+US 91/99 Bracket

    Huge range of low level gear and setbonuses to scale up and use, (was) active due to MoP locked accounts.
  2. Toklo

    EU Looking for level 19 guild

    I feel so welcomed {◕ ◡ ◕}
  3. Toklo

    EU Looking for level 19 guild

    Looking for an EU level 19 guild. Simple as that!
  4. Toklo

    [Video] 99 Feral Twink Just thought I would share the latest twink video i've come up with. A lot of people have been asking about ferals and i've seen next to none in the bracket so I thought i'd give it a whirl.
  5. Toklo

    New Twink Youtube Channel

    Sony vegas
  6. Toklo

    New Twink Youtube Channel

    Unless the intro is particularly gripping or fast paced and intense, try and keep it shorter. 20 seconds of running/walking around casting abilities made me itch to close the video. Not trying to be harsh, that's just how it came across. Excellent gameplay Little bit more editing rather than...
  7. Toklo

    99 prot warrior

    I hope this is pure curiosity and you're not considering rolling a tank. Because if you are I would have to destroy you. Irl.
  8. Toklo

    New hangout for ALL twinks!

    Dalaran sewers, genius :D
  9. Toklo

    Alliance Wargame Battleground

    I'm down for silvershard, just give me a holler.
  10. Toklo

    Insane Burst - top classes for burst damage

    I personally would take the alchemy stone and the "Talisman of Ephemeral Power" which is a scaling on use trinket that provides 1008 spellpower
  11. Toklo

    Insane Burst - top classes for burst damage

    Crit proc will not give 100% in bgs or arenas.
  12. Toklo

    Let's get 3v3 active

    Classic PvP movie tunes! xD
  13. Toklo

    Let's get 3v3 active

    It's true :P
  14. Toklo

    Let's get 3v3 active

    Short video showing some of the fun that can be had in 3v3 at this level. Obviously this isn't rated and there is little skill but it's just for fun. Essentially what i'm trying to say is. Let's get some 3v3 rolling!? It's super fun and has a much...
  15. Toklo

    Another Life - EU Horde

    Considering getting up a horde twink to help with allowing battlegrounds to pop. If I do decide to do so, i'll consider joining. Challenge raid runs sound like good fun. Please keep the flames down though, it really reflects badly on everyone.
  16. Toklo

    Alliance Wargame Battleground

    Would love to be a part of this!
  17. Toklo

    Insane Burst - top classes for burst damage

    Yeah, tooltip bug
  18. Toklo

    [VIDEO] Level 99 Retribution Paladin Twink Video

    Hard to do world PvP based on scaling gear :P looking forward to the opportunities in Legion though