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  1. BoA 2-Handed Mace Stats

    Is the cost for the 2-H BoA mace 65 Heroism Marks like the other 2-H'ders or are they using something different?
  2. INC, wave of druid/shammys

    I'm glad i rolled(and finishing) a shaman. But is the new shaman spec going for insta-cast Ghost Wolf? That kinda puts a wieght on shammies to roll as a Flag Carrier and not... ~~DPS~~! ヽ(´▽`)ノ
  3. Wsg time limit 20 mins = Arcade game?

    Well with the EXP in battlegrounds thing, i think the reason behind shortening it is to limit the amount of EXP you gain from it. Though in a twink's view, its stupid but, if you were a non-twink, you would be able to turtle through the game for EXP-grinding.
  4. Save wsg

    I say a time limit in Warsong Gulch is needed but more along the lines of 30 - 40 minutes. But, like everyone has been saying, turtling will win you the games. Also Premade matches will suck!  。 ゜(゜´Д`゜)゜。
  5. Rate the twink above you.

    oOOoo! Rate my mage! (・ω・)/ The World of Warcraft Armory
  6. 19 sham belt

    Roll more Enh Shammies! Come on people, i find it really enjoying bashing the heads of my enemies for a change!! ヽ(゜∀゜)ノ!!! Though i heard getting the Screecher's Belt was alot of EXP, then again... with the next patch. I don't think that matters.
  7. Resilience change.

    Thats kind of bull. Well... If you look at it i dont think it will affect 19BGs that much.But then again, does small amounts of Resilience from our BoA shoulders make a difference? Does anyone know max resilience 19s can get? (・ω・ ?)
  8. now that xp is turned off...

    I'm going to enjoy my times World PvP'ing in Hillsbrad, Ashenvale, Duskwood, and perhaps Stranglethorn! This makes me extreamly overjoyed to World PvP without restrictions! キタ━━━━(゜∀゜)━━━━!!!!