Search results

  1. [Eu] active battlegrounds

    Hellow. I'm searching for an active server for the 39's and 49's. This is for me and my mate. And maybe some more of our friends are willing to join if we start this. We are not really active twinks, we got our mains with raiding guild and arena teams, and only play twinks 2-3 times a...
  2. New changes: Positive? I wouldn't say so

    i've made a posts about this earlier with a link to thread on the suggestion forums. i really hope they do something about it, since i know that cataclysm bg doesn't have a high amount of twinks. And that would be the end of some of us. World of Warcraft (en) Forums -> [PVP-Twink]...
  3. Twink bg's will disappear on some realms, or not?

    Hi guys. We on cataclysm got a real small twink community, and i'm afraid with the new changes, we won't see any bg's anymore. That's why i made a suggestion about melting all lower brackets togheter in its own battlegroup. I'm hoping blizzard will take this in consideration, and maybe you...