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  1. Hot best of 19 US !

  2. May 11, 2005 - History

    the feels
  3. Vindication battlegroup

    lmao my retail account will be up soon
  4. Vindication battlegroup

    Hey Asheq, I have been playing on a Vanilla private server lately. I will be upping my account and taking my human priest to Agg though soon enough. I wish more people would come play on this private server though. Would you be down?
  5. 10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo

    Miss the forum banter we went through back in the day <3
  6. Vindication battlegroup

    I gotchu, sent to me from Rhadei Gyazo - 468f2ff6db3eba47bcffb35fc443d207.png Gyazo - 0ee1ab25baf3746bd7e8a3300f90d7fc.png Gyazo - c6a0ff72cd5b27026bad1dcf4d7a1361.png Gyazo - f181c499edc4767fb65b8f8efb3ee52b.png
  7. SFK Farming. Droprates.

    first run Gyazo - c982dec9cdd1a92205d5d519f32ea186.png
  8. Vindication battlegroup

    I remember seeing Riptides
  9. I miss Ctrlaltsheep

    he's in this horrible quality shot 5v5 i recorded from almost 7 years ago if anyone wants to watch exclusive footage of him <3
  10. Vindication battlegroup

    Well, sorry, I was here before you, so your opinion is second in line. Gyazo - f025506ef574c399ef87258b315038f6.png you Gyazo - 68aa60ffecc032ab21b0575b24ef6b90.png
  11. Vindication battlegroup

    Uhm, then why did you click my thread about my "backwater" battlegroup if you're only worried about an argument that was relevant, what, 5 years ago hahaha, move on, whoever you are.
  12. Vindication battlegroup

    it was alright for a while, i came in got a capped thread about being the best, fun times. but i'm sorry, cyclone died just as quickly as the hype for it started.
  13. Vindication battlegroup

    ahhh! yes Aggramar, I have a 19 there that used to be on TCF but under a different name... had way too many alias' but i'd like to chat with him if you'd direct him here that would be awesome and thanks for replying so quickly.
  14. Vindication battlegroup

    Gankya, the dude from the Gilneas alliance? Also, the lack of replys and actual people that i played with is literally the most horrible thing. like not one out of at least 100 that twinked when there was battlegroups, and i've tried a lot.
  15. Vindication battlegroup

    I miss Glabe and R5 and R9 <3 you too drugs
  16. Vindication battlegroup

    where are you
  17. If you played 19s 07-09 what's up?

    god 19s are just so terrible compared to 6-7 years ago. realize i said compared to, not that it's shit all on it's own (it is) so don't get toooooo upset ;p
  18. If you played 19s 07-09 what's up?

    So, Friday night EST I'm gonna transfer a Priest to Bleeding Hollow, should it be Horde or Alliance? I have both, but prefer Aliiance. Hopefully someone will pick me up.