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  1. EU Premades 6th March

    Don't queue to save EU wsg, Queue for ROLT!
  2. US Waw Tawent vs Giddy up Painaid 2/21/2010

    Its got nothing to do with ingame hours, we all waste time playing with pixels, I'm talking about people not following the code of conduct and acting like douchebags on this forum. Read the code of conduct, be constructive, be respectful, discuss and debate without personal attacks. e.g.
  3. EU Get serious!

    Kit is on the money :( Ppl need to stop playing on private servers and queue retail wsg and arena.
  4. US Waw Tawent vs Giddy up Painaid 2/21/2010

    This thread started so positively. Grow up the lot of you, this shit is embarrassing and belongs in the bgforums. Twink Info Forums - Code of Conduct
  5. @19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

    Trolling was in other threads not this one, from people with high post counts - 90% of which are flames, personal attacks or putdowns. Too many unwanted whispers and ingame drama from people as a result of this thread.
  6. Looking for a little info.

    Twink Info Forums - Code of Conduct
  7. EU - Sponsoring 3 more twinks on blackout

    You are asking for RL money in return for ingame gold. That makes you a gold seller. I hate gold sellers. Especially gold sellers who whine when people won't buy their gold off them. FIVE EUROS! get a job you lazy gold-selling trolling bum.
  8. @19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

    -<against all odds> = guild will be removed from this thread in the next update. <pup> most active? not according to my /who guildname on al'akir, draenor and agrammar over the past week. Most skilled? probably - but please keep skill / skillz / pro-ness out of this thread or it will...
  9. @19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

    +<Ember Storm Troopers>
  10. @19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

    Started reimporting EU blackout guilds and 19 twinks yesterday, was waiting for the recent armory update in case it screwed things up - there were some minor changes to the data but nothing scary. Should have an updated list and spreadsheets sometime in the next few days. To save me...
  11. US <-> EU twink exchange program

    No just terrible trolls.
  12. US <-> EU twink exchange program

    yeah lols at the WC boost last night, 1 boost, a pair of fang legs, a venomstrike, a glowing shard. Done :)
  13. US <-> EU twink exchange program

    With twinkytoes rolling on EU and more players rolling twinks 'across the pond' I thought it would be cool to setup an EU <-> US twink exchange program. A guildy recently quit wow and donated 3k to the <wasted> guildbank and I thought an exchange program would be a nice way to spend it...
  14. Cloak enchant research

    As human warr 19 I ran recount in DONT RESET mode over 50+ wsg's wearing a variety of cloaks. I've got the actual numbers somewhere will try and find them. from memory the damage mitigation of the resist cloaks came out something like : 5 resist : between 4-6% incoming damage resist except...
  15. Wasted Still Recruiting ?

    Hey weeman, application to join wasted in here, register onsite and tell us a bit about yourself - The GM likes long personal applications;) Wasted - Home - WowStead
  16. pro tip : Don't roll a twink on someone elses account

    So do I, I cant see why anyone would put in so much effort on something that could be taken away by a password change.
  17. @19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

    Grats to nerfmyhp a lvl 12 druid in the making who got his hat on sunday, I've now boosted 6 hats on blackout and 34 in total :) /proud.
  18. pro tip : Don't roll a twink on someone elses account

    3 times in the past month guildies have lost twinks and had dramas on twinks they've built on friends accounts, friends 2nd accounts etc. Our guild has stopped accepting guild applications from people who play on other ppls accounts. Too much drama and tears before bedtime. All 3 were...
  19. Maelstrom/Pym's epic new video:

    edit:moved to video section
  20. @19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

    Will be updating the lists, adding new guilds etc when my Son chills out for a bit, maybe this weekend, maybe next.