Search results

  1. Basement

    US 70 BT/Hyjal?

    Personally i'm free at anytime tonight, can figure that out if more people are interested.. also Horde, forget to specify. lol
  2. Basement

    US 70 BT/Hyjal?

    Anyone be interested in doing BT/Hyjal sometime this evening? Been wanting to mess around on some 70's for quite awhile. Can fill any role. :)
  3. Basement

    US LF Guild/Btags

    Hey all, just trying to touch face with the community due to my ship's schedule slowing down until next years deployment and wanted to try and reach out to some players since i've been having more free time. I've been a shadow over the past three expansions in terms of the community due to how...
  4. Basement

    EU+US Survival Hunters = New BM

  5. Basement

    US (Horde) The Flux Raiders

    Have my Blood at 42k/my enhance shaman ready, willing to play either or whichever is needed, also have a ret buddy ready to join in as well. :D
  6. Basement

    US (Horde) The Flux Raiders

    Added you on bnet, definitely interested. :)
  7. Basement

    US In search of an Alliance guild.

    Nice meme.. sounds like some quality stuff, will definitely look into it. Appreciate all of the responses, but with everyone in Kanye busy with legion content/pvp, looking for another place to shelve my baby.
  8. Basement

    US In search of an Alliance guild.

    Hello, now that the 110 hype is slowly starting to die down and i'm running out of things to do besides spam mythics and world quests, was looking for an active 19 Alliance guild, currently just playing my rogue.. doesn't have to be a super serious guild, just tired of being alone and the only...
  9. Basement

    8/9 just need chest the dream.

    8/9 just need chest the dream.
  10. Basement

    EU+US Rogue Weapons

    I have two 34 weapons, BoA still pulls slightly ahead on ambushes/sabers/aa's.
  11. Basement

    EU+US Rogue Weapons

    BoA MH, WF OH.
  12. Basement

    US <District Nineteen> WHO?!?! *trash talking thread*

    It's only game.. Why you heff to be mad?
  13. Basement

    US [H] <KANYE EGO> LFM 19's

    We do whatever, we've done some threes here and there, the ques are a bit long because of the way skirms are set up now. Should come anyway, need more people to spend gold on.
  14. Basement

    US <District Nineteen> WHO?!?! *trash talking thread*

    I have duty on the ship for one night and I miss out on this. Am a bit sad. Needless to say this made my duty day that much more entertaining thank you.