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  1. Old Lock 29 twink

    This twink used to be a glass cannon affli lock, focused entirely on ap (if my memory serves me right I had 326 spellpower unbuffed in tbc). Any gear tips are ofc welcome! Nâglfâr @ Kazzak - Community - World of Warcraft
  2. @9's from vanilla!

    Pala and hunter are solid 9/10, only lacking AGM and shoulder enchants. Druid and especially warlock need some work though! Overall really nice twinks!
  3. Oldschool Warrior 29 twink

    I'm sorry, I know how much that sucks. Same thing happened to my hunter twink.
  4. Oldschool Warrior 29 twink

    My trophy twink, I lack the balls to level her. Moograin @ Kazzak - Community - World of Warcraft
  5. <Sixty Sins> - Level 60 Twink Guild [HORDE]

    *Bump* These guys seem to know what they're doing!
  6. New 29 Twink Hunter

    Lacking trinkets.
  7. 60 Ques Popping!

    Bump! This is just the beginning! The more people join the more active the bracket will become. <The Defilers> on horde side of Argent Dawn are still in great need of more players, but this proves that we can make this work with a bit of effort and some dedicated players!
  8. Why is 25-29 so dead?

    I really did enjoy fighting other twinks, but the reason I got into twinking was not to fight equally matched opponents ;).
  9. Why is 25-29 so dead?

    Don't get me wrong, I loved fighting equally geared twinks whenever I met them. But if i were to be completely honest I got into twinking purely because I wanted to have an advantage above everybody else. I just think it is fun to be overpowered ;). And if you really had pops every day after the...
  10. <Afterlife> - Level 60 Twink Guild - Alliance - EU

    The horde equivalent guild on Argent Dawn <The Defilers> is recruiting I heard! Just need a couple more dedicated players to get some proper pvp action!
  11. Returning after three year hiatus...

    Link does not work.
  12. 29 Paladin

    Don't know if you're wearing your correct equipment but at the point of checking your armory profile the only items that I found impressive were your dead mans hand and your trinket. Lacking a lot of enchants. 5/10
  13. @9's from vanilla!

    Enchants are in place on many charrs. Lacking Arena Grand Master on most though. Bonus points for epic ring! 7.5/10 total
  14. Why is 25-29 so dead?

    Been playing the 29 twink bracked since vanilla. Experience in battlegrounds killed twink pvp. Even if we somehow managed to get the amount of players needed to run locked BG's it wouldn't be the same thing, twinking was allways about being a lot stronger than the average player at that level...