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  1. <Legacy> Looking for 50s to raid 60 content

    leveling a holy paladin, gonna attempt to find enough hit somewhere to dps but ofc healing intended character.
  2. <Legacy> Looking for 50s to raid 60 content

    Well pulling 5-6 times in 2-3 hrs isn't really interesting, might just be AQ40 and MC but still it's a drag that you can't actually play. I really don't mind as I would be doing nothing on sunday nights anyways and slow progress isn't new to me, if we were to drop 50 what would be next? lvl 60...
  3. <Legacy> Looking for 50s to raid 60 content

    Add me on real id Huntingbear #2212 Dâncer @ Frostmane - Community - World of Warcraft 50 gnome rogue twink, missing a few bits and pieces but most is there I think, really don't know how much hit I need to land abilities on lvl 60 bosses (63 I guess) so all help is welcome. I'm considering...
  4. 50 Raiding Europe. Roster & Information

    New guy to the forums, decided to level my rogue from 49. It has the vanilla "Private" title and is called Dancer (female gnome rogue) What's peoples take on the expertise and hit enchants that scale with itemlevel or player level? Feel like they're sorta weak but really strong if you plan to...