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  1. Recharged

    Your Best Farm Day

    Did 2k honor in a day once in PuG BG's on an arms warrior. Not incredible, but definitely a solid day of farming.
  2. Recharged

    Possible 29 Activity?

    Would definitely like to see some life come back to this bracket. May want to x-post to the official BG forums, I've seen a lot of familiar faces over there hanging out in the 39 thread. Do we have a Btag thread yet? I'm @ Beatzz#1239
  3. Recharged

    What were the best players in pvp, you have ever seen?

    Can't remember his name, but a rogue from Ursin definitely impressed me with a play awhile back. Managed to trinket charge stun and turn towards me with evasion up to dodge a SS KB while FCing. Huntassasin/Huntessasin siblings are great on a few classes, some of my funnest times in F2P have...
  4. Recharged

    Warrior, ARMS VS PROT

    I'd pick Prot in a duel, the physical mitigation is hard to beat. Arms definitely puts out more sustained damage though. Stance dance a lot in BG's, make sure that you're in defensive when a rogue or hunter opens on you. Don't be the first one to charge into team fights, and never let yourself...
  5. Recharged

    WOD 20-29 Hell yes

    Can't wait to break out my double AGM/GF'd warrior again. Guessing a lot of familiar faces from the bracket will come out of the woodwork. Really excited!
  6. Recharged

    Aerie Peak Rmp

    This thread again. I can't do anything but chuckle anymore. Best play was Evasion then turning his back to the hunter.
  7. Recharged

    Can f2p acc be merged with p2p acc

    Yes, but I believe certain personal details have to match on both accounts, some of which are un-editable. Not for sure on specifics, hopefully someone else can comment. I'm very curious as well with possible WoD changes.
  8. Recharged

    Level Twenty Battle Tag List

    re: Level Twenty Battle Tag List :) US - AP/Korgath: Choforo#1341
  9. Recharged

    Vent Your Frustrations II

    First day of CTA WsG my computer decided that it won't run WoW for more than 20 minutes without overheating. Terrible design, so I'd have to take this thing completely apart to get to the fins/fan. Dead pixels, overheating, battery doesn't work... I guess it was time for a new lappy, just bad...
  10. Recharged

    Twinks Eat Twinkies

    Are there any legitimate plans for competitive wargames? Arena (3's)/WsG.
  11. Recharged

    Andorhal Arenas (Korgath Revamp)

    Rolled a char here a couple weeks back. Are we still using the korgath skype group for coordination?
  12. Recharged

    Fearthebuns Stream: Ursinites

    This video puts this bracket's BGs into perspective so well. On one hand you have HB making top-tier plays getting his back broken from carrying so hard; then on the other end of the spectrum you have the rogue that doesn't even understand the concept of resetting FC debuffs (I'm...
  13. Recharged

    Post your ui

  14. Recharged

    Wich chest should i get?

    Gonna want dat crit. Go for Polished Valor unless if you're planning on tanking/FCing as your first BiS build. Emil's Brand has higher DPS than Reef Axe/Cold Iron Pick, but your hardest hitting offensive abilities as Arms are based on weapon damage. Reef Axe/CIP = 60-92 -- Emil's Brand =...
  15. Recharged

    Questions & Answers

    Just make sure the qq is directed at hunters, and you're golden like a shower.
  16. Recharged

    Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! Best AB ever! Edit: This was the very next BG lol! Best WsG ever!
  17. Recharged

    Alliance Arena Skype Group

    To the top. Really great games tonight!
  18. Recharged

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    Welp, it's the weekend. Alliance gets to enjoy being GY farmed by Horde 24's all day. Let the hangover rage begin.
  19. Recharged

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    Sooo I ground out about 1200 honor today in PUG BG's. Nuff said.
  20. Recharged

    Mogs These Days

    Outcharged - Korgath Pretty simple, but I like it. First F2P I put a little bit of effort into the 'mog. Had to give up my fire extinguisher for the gloves though, didn't feel like farming BoE.