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  1. Blueshield

    EU+US PTR Update?

    But I thought the idea of scaling up everyone to the same level was to help people who are subbed but still wanted to do a little PvP while they are levelling. If they do get rid of level scaling in legion it will more annoying to the paying customers who have just dinged into the new level...
  2. Blueshield

    EU+US PTR Update?

    Shadow Word: Void I have taken a shadow priest for a few runs through Ragefire Chasm and they are pretty viable. They have a interesting heal as well that suits shadow I don't know which I would choose...
  3. Blueshield

    EU+US PTR Update?

    So if I'm stuck at level 20 in a battleground fighting a level 29 are my hits going to miss them much since we can't get extra hit rating anymore?
  4. Blueshield

    EU+US PTR Update?

    Are people still scaling up in PvP? I only ask because I was on some other site and people were complaining that they didn't scale up to level 29, but others were saying it must be a bug. I have been on the PTR, but I'm still downloading it fully.
  5. Blueshield

    Warsong Gulch

    Is it just sour grapes on my behalf, or is WSG becoming unplayable as horde. I have been queuing for random battlegrounds for the past few weeks since I have come back to see what it's like after the latest patch. I'm now finding that when ever a battleground pops, if it is WSG, well you are...
  6. Blueshield

    Burst Class Timers...BACK! (Warrior, Pala, Hunter and Shaman) Wait the another class.

    Re: Burst Class Timers...BACK! (Warrior, Pala, Hunter and Shaman) Wait the another cl When they changed the bracket from 20-24 to 20-29 I decided to see what a 29 enhanced shaman could do. If main hand and off hand stormstrike critted with a double elemental force proc it halved your health if...
  7. Blueshield


    Level 20 enhanced or stormstrike level?
  8. Blueshield


    I rarely get in to warsong gulch without allies running 4 to 5 feral druids
  9. Blueshield

    Best Queuing Methods

    I have almost given up logging into my F2P account due to the queues 30+ minutes. I have been trying random battlegrounds with Southshore vs. Tarren Mill and Alterac Valley black listed since it can be like herding cats in 10/15 man battlegrounds trying to get people to do the objectives...
  10. Blueshield

    Throwing us down the trash.

    I copied my f2p pally over and my 24 p2p ele shaman. I haven't tried to PvP with them but the damage of the pally is down and the self healing of the ele is getting 3.6k self heal crits, I have to see what happens when the ele hits 29.
  11. Blueshield

    Will World PvP Be A Thing If WoD Bg's Suck?

    I have only just got into the beta and copied my pally over and he is feeling a lot weaker compared to live, I don't think he will be bothering any of the 29's with how strong the self healing seems to be of some classes.
  12. Blueshield

    F2P Tanks in Batlegrounds

    Yeah guardians in 5.4 with Bear Form increasing Stamina contribution from cloth and leather items by 40% compared to warriors Unwavering Sentinel giving 15% is going to be interesting.
  13. Blueshield

    Do you have a battleground nemesis?

    To be honest I only said you because your name stands out when I'm in a battleground, oh and because you play one of the many hated ally hunters. I pretty sure I've seen you a few time playing HolyCripz too.
  14. Blueshield

    Do you have a battleground nemesis?

    Any of CripzBlood alts if I'm on my hordie.
  15. Blueshield

    Questions & Answers

    When are the Call to Arms: for WSG or AB?
  16. Blueshield

    Thoughts On Shadow?

    Tried shadow at 20 and got beat by disco priests with full mana bars.
  17. Blueshield

    Kinda Hooked

    I wish it was anything but another hunter.
  18. Blueshield

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    Ok I'm not used the that many pallys alliance side, but I'm going to quit playing horde after 5.4 if I don't stop going against teams with so many hunters.
  19. Blueshield

    Is f2p fun?

    Guilty for that, but prot pallys and hunters are so easy to get big numbers out your going to have loads of nubs rolling them because they see them top of the scoreboard and think they can do that as well because it must be their class holding them back.
  20. Blueshield

    Is f2p fun?

    I have a fully loomed and enchanted 24's but I took it as granted I should win* 1v1 (depending on class) unless they get lucky crits or really outskill me. Now I also have F2P I feel a hell of a lot smugger every time I win a 1v1, mainly due to the fact they can't blame the lose on my looms or...