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  1. Mocha

    Feet of the Lynx or Footpads of the Fang

    The expertise is nice
  2. Mocha

    12 dodge rating = 2% dodge chance = intended

    So sad T-T. This personally kills my interest in TBC Classic dodge stacking but I could see some other still wanting to go for it for the meme of high dodge. That being said, every rogue in tbc should have a 15 agil dagger mh to switch to for backstabs during an enemy rogue popping evasion, why...
  3. Mocha

    General Mocha Guide: Flawless Weapon Swap on Attack Macros

    Thanks for the reply mate, I do have multiple sinister strike macros but if you didn’t want to have that then you can make a separate keybind for the weapon swap with no attack and then use a normal sinister strike. I like having two sinister strike macros (for each enchant) so my muscle memory...
  4. Mocha

    Meadow Ring of Eluding w/ +2 agi and +2 dodge

    Thanks for the correction! I was told this was 2.3.0
  5. Mocha

    Meadow Ring of Eluding w/ +2 agi and +2 dodge

    Because about 4.73% dodge is what 12 dodge rating and similar items such as these gave, as there was no dodge diminishing returns throughout the entire duration of TBC, unless somehow I'm remembering incorrectly (which I don't believe I am), and there was no nerf to the dodge percent granted by...
  6. Mocha

    [TBC Classic] Blood elves not BiS in WSG?

    Aware, was just writing on my phone and was just using a generic term. Edit, thanks for pointing that out though, substituted the proper term <3
  7. Mocha

    [TBC Classic] Blood elves not BiS in WSG?

    I’ll always be UD for the aesthetic but the blanket silence with no cost is nearly always better in my opinion for a premading rogue. As a rogue in premades you are only ever on O or D (rarely) and should pretty much never be in mid (aside to slow) WoTF sees a lot of use in mid during pugs due...
  8. Mocha

    Meadow Ring of Eluding w/ +2 agi and +2 dodge

    Yeah +2/+2 did nothing exist in TBC or Wrath. The only eluding modification was +1/+12. Thus makes me sad since I’m just coming back for TBC Classic. I have 2 2/2 eluding just incase they fix them (we can only hope but most likely won’t revert to correct stats) Can someone with the +12 dodge...
  9. Mocha

    PvP Vid, 60.11% Dodge Chance Unbuffed

    What type of constructive post is this? I’m sorry but anyone who doesn’t use Health Pots or Bombs, premade or pugs, is clearly a fool. Y’all want to act like bis is the most important thing but not if it comes to consumables? Make it make sense. Although idk who OP is since I’m just coming...
  10. Mocha

    [TBC Classic] Blood elves not BiS in WSG?

    I would argue that BE is definitely stronger for a reason people don’t mention. Although WoTF is still good in PUGs and I will ALWAYS be fem UD no matter what, WoTF is quite situational. If you’re the type of rogue that needs to reliably solo return in premades, BE 100%. No one thinks about the...
  11. Mocha

    Some suffix items have been fixed

    Already bug reported on both accounts. +12 dodge rating should give approximately 4.73% or 4.76% dodge change each (forgive me for not remembering exactly which it was)
  12. Mocha

    70 hp elixir

    For sure rum 99.9% of the time, just making sure people know :) I used to hearth Shatt —> FP and then bg pop brings you back to org Always interesting when you see a FC in an actual premade and they aren’t using Halaani Whiskey when the game is on the line thoughh!
  13. Mocha

    Some suffix items have been fixed

    Haven’t had any drops yet, will let you know if I see anything. Still salty about my meadow rings of eluding through and AGM giving the wrong amount of dodge % as well. Using double AGM is pretty pointless rn unless you really are just aiming for the highest dodge % for a particular fancy of it.
  14. Mocha

    70 hp elixir

    Just an FYI because most people didn’t know about this back in the day, I doubt they do this time around too.... but Halaani Whiskey is better than all of this and Rumsey Rum +200 HP
  15. Mocha

    Some suffix items have been fixed

    Man I feel you, but as a dusty OG BIS twink, BIS really doesn’t matter. Sure missing a stat looks ugly, but 1 stat point doesn’t make or break your character. I spent years countering the metas my own way too. When it was glass cannon ambush 1 shot sub, I went LFH stam combat with crusader lol...
  16. Mocha

    How many weeks did it take you for both fishing boots/hat?

    I've gone for I believe 5 on retail between TBC and WoTLK and one in Cata. Rogue and mage in TBC, rogue and warrior in wotlk and druid cata I believe. Just made a rogue on TBC Classic like 3 days ago lol, fished 240 tasties and no green. Here we go again. Always would get thread and boots before...
  17. Mocha

    General Mocha Guide: Flawless Weapon Swap on Attack Macros

    Introduction: Hello everyone. I have recently returned to twinking thanks to BCC and upon my return I had encountered a familiar age old complication that many twinks of all brackets may face from time to time. I didn't have a main and I didn't play classic, but I was gifted a few Shadowfangs...
  18. Mocha

    General Macros You NEED To Use

    Added a gear swap macro, mention of weapon swap macro guide as well. Gear Swap Macros: /equip 0 1 /equip 0 2 /equip 0 3 /equip 0 4 /equip 0 5 Description: Equipment Set Swapping Macros are MUCH easier and require no addons or equipment selector features that do not exist in classic. All you...
  19. Mocha

    Rogue Shadowfang OffHand

    These are the weapon setups I used to use in TBC General Use Vs Twinks Shadowfang + Lifestealing Thief's Blade + 15 Agility Against FCs / Non Twinks / Cloth / Hunter Pets (Sub OH SF for Cruel Barb if you don't want to use 3 SFs) Shadowfang + Fiery Weapon Shadowfang + Fiery Weapon Ambush...
  20. Mocha

    General Scroll Clicking Guide

    Everyone still needs to be doing this <3 Edit: TBH I was needing to share this guide daily when I was actively playing rbgs in HOTA mmr and they had no idea about it haha!