Search results

  1. Best place to go?

    Hello, We have just started a twink guild on Illidan/Horde taking all lvl's up to 80. The GM and myself are both playing sixties to run pve and do pvp. We are just trying to bring community back to WoW. This is a high pop pvp server, if interested whisp Zadeth or Pharaun in game or you can...
  2. Im new and i want to find a new server to dominate

    If you are on US servers I have just started a twink guild on Illidan/Horde. High pop pvp server and we are taking all lvl's of twinks up to lvl. If interested whisp Zadeth in game or Pharaun. You can also find me here. Hope to cya.
  3. New to twinking

    Thanks for the info.
  4. New to twinking

    Thanks, what server do you guys play on? Is there a strong community on it?
  5. Hi there

    If sounds like EU servers are the place to be
  6. 418 Ilvl 85 blood dk

    Is there alot of action in the 85's
  7. Twink servers US

    Can anyone hellp me out on which server has the strongest twink population.
  8. Awareness here

    Welcome, myself and another have started a twink guild on Illidan/Horde and all twink lvl's are welcome. Whisp Zadeth or message Pharaun. Hope to see you.
  9. Whats Up?

    Welcome to the forum. I've started a twink guild on Illidan/Horde and need recruits. If interested message me here or in game Pharaun.
  10. new\returning twink

    What server are you on. I've just started a twink guild on Illidan/Horde. If interested come join us twinks are always welcomeall classes and lvl's.
  11. New to twinking

    Hello everyone, I am new to twinking and hope to learn alot of useful info on here. Playing on Illidan Horde any pointers are greatly appreciated. Myself and a RL friend are trying to start a twink guild to run old content, pve and pvp and try to bring community back to WoW.