Search results

  1. Us-stormrage 85 blood dk

    Starter 85 Blood DK Ilvl 418 233k health. I know I'm not completely geared out, I can hold my own though, I'm willing to take criticism. I'm looking for an arena partner/partners. Whisper me, in game tistheb. Hope to see you guys in game.
  2. 70 survival hunter

    Transmog is amazing, 10/10, how do you enjoy survival?
  3. 70 Frost / Arcane Mage

    10/10 would bang. Love the transmog.
  4. Lvl 64 twink rogue

    10/10. Would love to see what you could pump out in a bg.
  5. Do you suffer from Battleground Fatigue??

    Take a shower, or just splash water in your face.
  6. Hasterix 10 Hunter

    Crazy twink man.
  7. Rate my Shadow Priest - 85

    10/10, honestly jealous. Great work.
  8. 85 Fire Mage

    10/10 I would love to group up with you for 2's or what be.
  9. Rate my 85 Warrior

    10/10 absolutely amazing.
  10. Niceferatu - WARLOCK!

    10/10 Great twink. Currently leveling a lock myself.
  11. 418 Ilvl 85 blood dk

    418 Ilvl Blood Dk / Frost DK Blood HP is 233k Frost HP is around 170k US - STORMRAGE I'm somewhat new to arena's, I have vent and a Skype, I'm willing to take any criticism and I'll take any advice you're willing to give me. My in-game name is Tistheb pst me whenever. I would greatly...
  12. 418 Ilvl 85 blood dk

    418 Ilvl Blood Dk / Frost DK Blood HP is 233k Frost HP is around 170k US - STORMRAGE I'm somewhat new to arena's, I have vent and a Skype, I'm willing to take any criticism and I'll take any advice you're willing to give me. My in-game name is Tistheb pst me whenever. I would greatly...