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  1. 60's Armory List

    Hey :) My Warrior twink, which i put alot of work into :) Tramplol @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
  2. 5.2 BGs! Balanced or Ruined?

    I actually somewhat agree with you Xipe, i know where you come from. And i also like that the intention is to make players last longer, and have bigger chances against those who actually wouldn't give you one. You know more equality, and more time to showoff how good you actually play/are...
  3. 5.2 BGs! Balanced or Ruined?

    WTF does that even mean?? We dont acces anything a lvl 89 would get?? We dont get the lvl 87 Skill?? we cant buy gear equant to lvl 89??? We are stuck with Suck 89 scale on our lvl 85 gears, which is HORRIBLE, if we could equip lvl 89 gear and aquire the lvl 87 skill it would actually do ALOT...