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  1. US Wargames Tonight @9 est!

    Twink yeah.
  2. US Community Vs The Bracket

    Pokemon Go
  3. US F2P 10v10 WSG Sign-up 7/10

    Kunz#1206 Fannypacker - Ursin - Druid (Balance or Resto FC) - Alliance
  4. 20-29 29 3v3 WoD Championship

    Just to clarify: If your team comp runs an enhance you will be allowed to violate the double classes rule and run a Restoration Shaman?
  5. 20-29 [VOD] 3v3 Forceful Cup Tournament

    Shane! I thought you were in prison.
  6. 20-29 Offical 29 3 vs 3 Tournament!

    Is this just for D/C's before the game starts, or if you decide to "D/C" yourself mid game to reset the match?
  7. US Should double Boomkin be banned in Warsong?

    I play boomkin, but I'd be fine with a double boomkin ban. That means I'm unbiased right? I believe that games are way more interesting to play and watch when rogues are involved, and there is really no good reason to run a rogue right now when double boomkin is allowed. It also makes flag...
  8. hey

  9. US 19 Twink Cup Arena Rules...

    no weapon enchants no class stacking no double healer no feral
  10. EU+US Faction Change - Horde -> Alli what to get ?;maxrl=19;qu=3;cr=18;crs=1;crv=0#0-5-2 Thrall's Gift and Signet of Argas are the only important pieces you need from horde. You can also pick up Gloves of Unmitigated Badassery and Wild Rider's Gloves if you want to make a hipster crit set.
  11. EU+US The NWL S3: Community Discussion

    Ban ALL weapon enchants and ban ferals, or it won't be fun
  12. 10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo

    Wants more games, and yet won't play Eat Booty for subbing a player. #DOWNWITHPING
  13. 39 Armory Thread

    You can add my druids Tippins. Resto/Balance Coolguykunz @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Jeanjacket @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
  14. Stamina, balanced or glass cannon for huntard?

    Don't change your gloves or bracers, those enchants are grandfathered and very powerful.
  15. 39 Revival Summer 2015

    kunz#1206 Hit me up if you play 39's, need help with runs, or want to talk about gear sets, I love theorycrafting with item builds. I'd love to play some arenas tonight, or some wargames if we have enough people. We played some twin peaks, battle for gilneas, silvershard mines, and wsg games...
  16. 39 Armory Thread

    Jeanjacket Druid / Balance / Not Grandfathered
  17. F2P 10v10 WSG Wargame Saturday 3/28/15

    Fannypacker / Ursin / Balance Druid / Alliance
  18. Putting this here for visibility (x-post from 39's)

    Alliance Kunz - Priest Horde Sorryboutit - Druid
  19. A Final Word

    "I do want to state that we are not taking this matter lightly. We are investigating all of this and will be taking the proper course of action in due time My personal advice is that you do not let these people participate in this tournament. The people that put this on put a great deal of work...
  20. NEW DEVELOPMENTS Secretly Recorded Barb on Skype

    I respect your opinion, but I believe that the Twink Justice System will see them as one and the same.