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  1. Making a 39 Warrior Twink

    250g in a few weeks? seriously? try a few hours...and magrim is correct, you are looking for topend and speed on a weapon for a warrior or ret (very similar gear setups at 39), with higher topend (and lowend) you get bigger hits overall leading to burst, burst is what wins in pvp. To the OP...
  2. Aristeia - 39 Warrior PvP Vid

    nice video ari....hmmm goin to make another one eh? *avoids ari in wsg*
  3. What SHIRT do you have on your twink?

    i think only my priest has on a shirt, Bright Yellow Shirt - Item - World of Warcraft, since it's an ally only pattern on a horde char i thought it was a bit different
  4. Forum Game: Keep one, Drop one

    yum waffles
  5. dps'ing as priest?

    ya the oom is pretty annoying, but i like being a offensive dispeller/supplemental dps sometimes, and in all honesty i PUG almost all of my games and i get tired of being the healbot for the FC that runs away from me or the guy who grabs the flag but can't live through a berserking ambush...
  6. dps'ing as priest?

    wouldn't do anything, shadowweaving was changed to a stackable self buff (5 stacks max). I actually spec'd my priest shadow for a bit last week, ran around 240 +shadow (with oil) and was getting up to around 239 crit mind flays and up to 164 noncrit (shadowweaving max) and i got a 449...
  7. Need help with a 39 hunter

    i'd pretty much agree with bansil on his gear choices and spec, i play a slightly varied spec i put more into survival then marks and use a couple different pieces of gear (if you armory entrap, yes i have nordics but i don't want to reenchant the 20 agi on them). i'm only really posting...
  8. dps'ing as priest?

    i miss shadow on my priest, when i'm shadow i use the same gear Kataris has on now except i have a staff of jordan with soulfrost and a green lens of shadow wrath (boo 34). i generally use this talent/glyph setup Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft i see some shadow priests taking imp...
  9. What should I pay for LotV?

    i recently acquired my LoTV for 150 on nath from a friend, i had scarlet's it's basically hit/slight sta/slight crit gain vs ap, pretty much preference but at 150g i couldn't pass them up.
  10. 39 Resto Druid or Holy Priest?

    in 39s you can get nature's swiftness for that instant save me now heal, i'd honestly probably go druid if you really enjoy your druid in 29s unless you want to leave him there obviously. Play what you want really, i do thus i have a shadow priest ><
  11. New to twinking and asking for some advice

    ishh linked a pretty nice talent build, mine is slightly different, i go with 3/3veng and 1/3 2 hand spec, mostly just preference, since he didn't include glyphs i'd suggest that you get the judgement and seal of command glyphs, for minor i use reduced LOH cooldown, saves flag carriers lives
  12. Help me improve my Retadin!

    if your server is like mine and you can't find surefooted you could get 15 hit to gloves instead and use 12 sta on boots, but everything else i'd change was mentioned.
  13. 39 Rogue Guide

    shadowskin gloves as a possible option if you're having drop issues or you can't afford holy might