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  1. 85 Raid Finder - The Siege of Wyrmrest Temple

    I have a pretty well-geared paladin with both tank and ret (mop) gear. Would be up for it if you can get people. Happy to tank.
  2. 2k MMR Rogue LF Arena/RBG

    A rogue that isn't peeled can rape most classes in the opener, if you haven't been past 2k you don't get to call other people clueless, especially playing the most faceroll class this season (arguably more retarded than prot pala in S12).
  3. Seventy Rebirth! Project T!

    I fail to see the incentive to transfer these days, especially at 70. We can communicate through these forums (those that care to do so, at least) and arena/rbgs/raids can all be done crossrealm these days.
  4. Today is Meat's birthday!

    Happy birthday mate.
  5. Title: Difference 5.2 > 5.3

    I don't mind, just means people gotta play more carefully. Of course, we might just see prot palas killing everything on their first global now, those damned shields hurt pretty bad already.
  6. What are the requirements to be rank 1?

    The name seemed familiar so I looked up my arena history addon. Met Selvex and some druid named Strongk around 2.2k mmr last season. They ran around pillars for 8 minutes before dying, playing oomkin/spriest (in4compbashing).
  7. What's the least popular class for 70's?

    Warlocks maybe? Don't recall seeing a single one in mop (and only a couple in cata).
  8. Should I Play 70'S Again? old twinker

    3s queue isn't that bad, usually only 3-4 min as long as there's a few teams queueing around your mmr.
  9. Caster PvP power vs int

    I actually ran some sims on a warlock chardev I made. So far I've only tried heavy PvP power and heavy int (and the profile still needs some tuning), but PvP power beat int by a fair bit. This is not only for DPS, but also for a spell like chaos bolt, which scales ridiculously well.
  10. 70 Twink Alliance, What realm these days?

    What MMR are you in 3s? We regularly have 10 min queue times.
  11. Mind blown

    Killing a 80%+ healer as double DPS while they have a partner alive? Good luck, speaking as one. Haven't died before the rest of my team ever, not even vs triple DPS.
  12. Rip bracket? lunar crescents here

    Quick update to this, the weapons now require level 90 to wield. Blacksmithing - Professions - Spells - WowDB (PTR)
  13. RBG - 70's

    Added your battletag, interested in playing on my rsham.
  14. Hunter at 70

    Been playing some rsham/spriest /hunter and it's a really strong comp imo. Hunters really need to play with two classes than can heal though (a healer + hybrd) because of poor defensives, as well as stack a lot of resi. It does have a lot of CC though and does really well versus rsham comps.
  15. 3v3: How active or unactive?

    Gonna be queueing as hunter/rsham/spriest in the next few days (evenings mostly), PM me for battletag if you want to queue vs us. We're kinda low MMR atm though as hunter hasn't been active for ages and spriest dinged yesterday.
  16. Rip bracket? lunar crescents here

    Well, if you look at the different stat budgets of the items they are pretty inconsistent, so likely placeholder stats. Not saying Blizzard will remember to fix them before it goes live, but they probably own't go live exactly the way they are right now. 5.2 Crafted Vanity Items...
  17. Ever wondered why arena is so damn pathetic now?

    It was not, but it wasn't even close to being fotm. I also don't get why you seem to have picked up a grudge against me for no apparent reason. I made the statement that pillar humpers piss me off as well and that a lot of them seem to be prot paladins, then you start acting like I'm an idiot...
  18. Ever wondered why arena is so damn pathetic now?

    Well, that happened by chance. I leveled my shaman like a fucking year ago and played rsham/rogue when everyone and their mother was playing disc/mage. Only recently woke him up again when a mate asked if I wanted to play some 70 with him, the fact that we're playing extreme fotm comps is just...
  19. Ever wondered why arena is so damn pathetic now?

    If it's any consolation Meat, we took out those guys twice today in less than 3 min each game. I am getting tired of prot paladins running behind pillars all the time though, why would you even play if all you do is pillarhump? And why is it always the prot paladins?
  20. 70's Armory Vault

    Guess I can toss in my resto shaman. Naugrím @ Grim Batol - Community - World of Warcraft