Search results

  1. Miner's Hat of the Deep

    Miners Hat of The Deep is so extremely rare, if you find it just hit <Buyout>... But i use Embalmed Shroud - Item - World of Warcraft
  2. Mercanzar - 19 Mage Twink Video

    It was BC, before the heal and dmg were combined to the Spellpower (no BoAs but head/leg enchants) ;)
  3. Mercanzar - 19 Mage Twink Video

    Thanks people for posting your comments, also those one who mean the video sucks ^^ I have to say that i wanted to create a nice video not just a fraps taken crap, i wanted to bring in some video cutting quality due to i like to cut videos. Therefore some scenes arent in to show how i pwn...
  4. Mercanzar - 19 Mage Twink Video

    Yes i allready use the TAB button ^^ but in some cases its not targetting the right person u need. Sometimes i prefer to target with clicks especcially when there are more possible targets in front of my toon.
  5. Mercanzar - 19 Mage Twink Video

    Hi folks, this video is a tribute to my nice little lvl 19 Mage Twink on Madmortem(DE). The video was recorded before WOTLK so there were no BoA items available but the head/led enchants were working fine :) Due to this fact this may be(*g*) one of the best lvl 19 mage video that will ever...