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  1. Outlook on 19 warriors right now.

    The twink I've currently been playing is an undead warrior and I've been having a blast. No classes offer me any trouble 1v1. Hunters are only troublesome if they tag me into combat before I can charge but even then they don't always get the upper hand. If confronted by a group I can usually...
  2. 29 ret paladin plans

    Ok revised my gear build. Here's a new chardev.
  3. 29 ret paladin plans

    Thanks for the replies. Toon is only 10 right now getting ready to start farming the instance gear. I totally over looked the entire fact of weapon speed, so I got a hold of a cobalt crushed and will be picking up the others mentioned. Also is it common to keep multiple sets of the same...
  4. 29 ret paladin plans

    The weapon is Thermaplugg's Left Arm.
  5. 29 ret paladin plans

    Thanks for catching that I'll have to change it. Will it take the tbc one?
  6. 29 ret paladin plans

    I'd like to get some feedback on my gear choice. I'm going for straight dps. Also are the bc enchants on my hand, wrist and weapon known to still be working? Thanks
  7. 19 Warrior Guide

    What do you guys think of the following spec for a dps. I found my original spec of Cruelty, Imp Rend and Imp Heroic Strike wasn't really cutting it. This was glyphed with a major for hamstring and minor for charge. What I noticed was my normal...