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  1. Hearthstone

    Got the beta a few days ago, playing a f2p pally swarm deck and its going well, done two arenas with gold and opened 5 pack (havent spent a single bit of rl money) and on my 3 pack i didnt only get a legendary, but a golden one.. Thank you malygos been playing some mean spell power deck on my...
  2. F2P Movies Thread

    [WoW f2p] Combat Rogue Revisited (5.2) - YouTube first video, proper computer is f***ed atm, so some clips may be laggy. Feel free to critisize (thought helpfully)
  3. Most skilled players of each Class 5.2 [EU]

    I miss those days.... I actually had fun. Rogues could do dmg and could actually be a viable dueling class, warlocks also had a special place in my heart because of their 1,000,000 dots. I miss all the of the nelfs rogues, myst, nighty, verya, roguyboy all of em.
  4. Most skilled players of each Class 5.2 [EU]

    lol cana. Defo not. Dont know if Screep still plays but he should be up there anyways. Rogue: I only know the old schoolers, myst, nighty etc.. Warlock: Me Tinkera @ Spinebreaker - Community - World of Warcraft, i play demo so yaknow :P Hunter: Flip Priest: Nami
  5. -Elders of the Naaru- Level 70 Twink Guild " The Sha'tar" Realm.

    I would like to join, but have no previous experience of lvl70 twinking (did play a bit in tbc, never reached max), advice on class, i play boomkin and hpala at lvl90