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  1. Resto Shaman Viability

    I understand that shamans have the least survivability in this bracket, but i am going to be playing with a good set of people so i should be defended quite well. Thank you for the feedback, personally i think that a resto druid would probably be the best healer with HoTs and all but i think...
  2. Resto Shaman Viability

    Wow, thank you very much for the quick replies everyone, Juke thank you for clearing the armour type thing up, ill take that into consideration when looking at gear, and also, i never like things that come easy to me, hence why i am thinking about going resto shaman because they have the least...
  3. Resto Shaman Viability

    Hey, im new to the these forums, so hi everyone, for a while now i have been considering twinking at 49, originally i was going to twink a 49 fury warrior but after hearing that the alliance on my battlegroup need healers more than anything i decided to do the helpful thing and level a healer...